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Questions related to Ornithology
i need explanation how this happen
23 August 2018 4,658 6 View
I'm conducting analysis of bird counts for my Master's thesis on effects of patch size and connectivity on birds of High Andean landscapes. My first goal is to use ordination analysis to figure...
18 August 2018 5,058 7 View
I have some rats which stay at the side the whole time, using their forepaws to push themselves methodically and calmly around the inside of the tank. They are not climbing, but they are not...
10 August 2018 2,212 1 View
When a green pellet of an oxide is sintered, there is a weight loss corresponding to loss of binder and moisture. When oxide ceramics, say alumina or zirconia, are re-sintered in dry hydrogen,...
29 July 2018 8,200 3 View
Hello Everyone, I have 20 samples that I measured the antioxidant activity for using DPPH. I calculated the IC50 using Excel by setting up a linear chart of my sample concentration vs %...
05 July 2018 5,388 5 View
We want to study the pollination of a tropical liana species by bats. In order to estimate the visitation rate of bats at the flowers, we would like to use camera traps. Does anyone have...
11 June 2018 609 17 View
I have approximately 80 wings from individual plains sharp-tailed grouse that were collected from hunter harvest donations over the past few years. As part of my MSc project I want to age each...
09 June 2018 1,991 8 View
We found that our strains of Fusarium graminearum progressively lost their ability to produce mycotoxins (DON- ADON) on synthetic media such as PDA or Czapek-yeast extract. After a few months...
08 June 2018 8,709 4 View
the following parasites were attached to the intestinal wall of the fish.they are white in color with a head and a tail region. pic clicked under stereomicroscope. request if any one can help in...
31 May 2018 5,167 8 View
We need to be able to distinguish between different individuals on nest camera videos to tell which individual is making calls. The chicks have white down feathers now, but will soon get grey...
06 April 2018 2,284 3 View
Pleiotropy occurs when one gene influences two or more seemingly unrelated phenotypic traits. (from Wikipedia) (from Greek πλείων pleion, "more", and τρόπος tropos, "way") Pleiotropy is a...
22 March 2018 9,718 3 View
I am using a protocol which have DTT but some people have extracted DNA without DTT, and some says keratine cannot be digested without it. As DTT is very expensive is it possible to extract DNA...
10 March 2018 4,918 2 View
Late gast. fate is determined but organizer send factors for not committed cells. Environmental factors that organizers' induce might affect the committed cell duties. How we know that nothing...
09 March 2018 2,678 6 View
I am looking to track within breeding season movements of a 25 g bird. The species is not philopatric, so trackers that require recapture are not an option. Trackers must be under 0.75 g per USGS...
02 March 2018 8,283 6 View
I am struggling with this question? anyone know the answer?
02 March 2018 3,297 4 View
What are the functions of the abdominal fat in modern society? To cover or give isolation to the abdominals muscle? We can just wear more clothes to be warm? To store vitamin A,D,E,K? They can...
01 March 2018 9,431 5 View
Instead of P 800 vials for GLP1 any other option for blood collection and storage
28 February 2018 374 2 View
As right now, for my reasearch i am searching for an method or algorithm such that when i send SMS from my feature phone the message gets encrypted and received by operator and then operator can...
24 February 2018 4,529 4 View
Vitamin B12 is synthesised by certain bacteria in the rumen and hind gut. In ruminants the vitamin is readily absorbed with the aid of intrinsic factor in the ileum. In hind gut fermenters,...
23 February 2018 2,273 4 View
I have done an extensive amount of research, and according to my source, adding FGFR Signals will cause for feathers not to grow under conditions of low BMP Signaling. Is this true? And if so,...
22 February 2018 3,020 0 View
OAT has a disadvantage of selecting only 10 strains. A large number will help in better understanding on inter-relationships.
17 February 2018 3,156 10 View
I am working on "Design of biomethanation plant for food waste", using different technologies used worldwide for partial fulfillment of my Master Degree.In this dissertation, i want to compare...
15 February 2018 563 5 View
we are interested in assessing plant growth/quailty parameters with a multispectral camera on an UAV and need calibration.
13 February 2018 256 5 View
Can you advise me papers about intestinal parasits in hunter-gatherers society?
10 February 2018 8,510 4 View