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Questions related to Optics
I have a collection of nanocomposite thin films and their corresponding transmittance spectra over a series of temperatures. How can I use these to determine the refractive index (n) and...
16 March 2017 7,913 6 View
we designed a structure can separate left circularly polarized light and right one, i am thinking is it useful in detecting chiral molecules?
15 March 2017 1,237 3 View
Glass optical fiber is not suitable for my application and multimode plastic does not allow for the FBG inscription with required parameters. It can be done only if there are not more than several...
15 March 2017 4,446 3 View
Hi All, Can graphene reflect visible light just like mirror? Thanks.
12 March 2017 9,984 4 View
I want to design lens for an array of LEDs having certain properties like collimation, light mixing, etc, and simulate diffraction patterns as well. What is the systematic way of learning the...
01 March 2017 1,909 5 View
I was wondering what kind of lens people normally use for spacial filtering of the laser light. To focus a beam on a light on a pinhole, I would use an objective lens, like this one from Newport...
01 March 2017 3,434 4 View
Samples are highly transparent silicale glasses. I'm trying to get images by reflected light microscopy from surface and cross-section.
17 February 2017 7,053 3 View
I'm working on a pump probe setup with one focusing lens for both beams. So the spot size of the pump and the probe would be the same. I'm looking for a way to reduce the probe spot size....
11 February 2017 10,089 5 View
The focal length of the lens required to couple light into a common fiber (want same gaussian spot size) at 633nm is larger or smaller than the one required at 980nm?
09 February 2017 499 5 View
I saw that some setups have a focusing lens in the reference arm to focus on the mirror in the reference arm, but I cannot find the reason why we would do that!? Does it allow us to use less power...
02 February 2017 2,601 3 View
Please mention whether the stage should be translatory or rotatory and the reason behind it.
25 January 2017 8,240 3 View
I am need for the chemicals used for preparing the bath for electroless deposition of aluminium on glass.
23 January 2017 3,810 4 View
Hi. Consider we need a DFB laser structure which gives two wavelengths simultaneously. For example: 1.3u and 1.55u Do you have any suggestion? Phase shift, making the defect in grating and some...
22 January 2017 3,199 4 View
why we use the bragg mirror under the piezeelectric guiding layer in resonators?
17 January 2017 1,142 3 View
I am doing an experiment in which I am using 2.5G APD TIA to detect optical signal.On its differential outputs I am getting data and data_bar=-24dBm and -26dBm resp. Which op-amp IC should I use...
02 January 2017 7,926 4 View
Dear Experts, In OFDM, I need to achieved IFFT optically by using array wave guide (AWG), I want to know in details how can do this ?
23 December 2016 1,573 4 View
Is there any free software available to calculate the optical constants using the optical measurements of the reflectance and transmittance together? or by using the optical absorbance alone?I had...
18 December 2016 6,692 6 View
In our case, the fiber is highly protected and its tip is covered with collimator lens which makes it impossible to figure out about its structure. Could anyone suggest a solution for this...
10 December 2016 1,862 4 View
During the building up a free space Optical Coherence Tomography system, we normally want to align the beam splitter cube as perpendicular to the incoming light direction as possible, because it...
08 December 2016 6,536 6 View
If it is non-centrosymmetric crystal means we will usually compare its NLO propery through SHG (Second Harmonic Generation) by using the stand materials like KDP, urea, etc. Incase if it is...
23 November 2016 7,895 3 View
I am going to use 3D profilometer to measure the surface roughness, but struggling how to set up the backscan and length. The surface roughness seemed to be varied a lot with different backscan...
21 November 2016 509 4 View
Hi all, For those who are users or have access to CODE V optical design software from Synopsis, I would appreciate you explain me how the software calculates the Geometrical Optical Transfer...
21 November 2016 5,639 2 View
Does anyone know the publicly available imaging data of microscopy techniques for developing embryo, cell shape etc.
03 November 2016 5,777 3 View
Why does dipole moment of water molecule and polarizing effect produced by hydroxyl (OH) group saturate the polarizability of surrounding atoms in response to a light wave field? So the non linear...
26 October 2016 4,091 2 View