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Questions related to Optics
Hello! I need to conduct an experiment, where I should measure thicknesses of different thin films (oil on the water surface, soap bubble etc.). Due to quarantine I have no opportunity to use any...
21 April 2020 9,737 2 View
I have been search for UVC LEDs recently. However, finding an LED with a peak wavelength below 240nm is becoming difficult. Can suggest a way to obtain an easy solution for this. I am aware of...
13 April 2020 729 5 View
Hello, Can anyone comment on the carrier mobility of SOI wafers? I would presume that given the right process, e.g. wafer bonding, it shouldn't differ much from the mobility of bulk Si. However,...
14 March 2020 9,097 1 View
Mostly, CCD camera is used for speckle measurements. I am interested to do measurements with cmos camera, are there any characteristics of cmos camera which can effect my measurements? e.g a...
02 March 2020 3,882 6 View
I am trying to create some pattern with a DMD (digital micromirror device) and I want to configure a FPGA to drive the DMD but I'm running into some problems.
16 February 2020 9,836 3 View
I have a satellite image covering a large geographical area. Its current projection is Geographic (WGS 84). I want to re-project the image into UTM WGS 84. The area is in two UTM zones. I tried to...
07 February 2020 6,930 8 View
I have three collimated optical beams with 1cm separation between the adjacent one. I want to shift one of the three beam laterally so that it goes closer towards or farther away from the adjacent...
01 January 2020 7,903 8 View
Please does anyone have an experience in implementing Decision Trees on FPGAs? I have read a couple of papers and emailed a couple of people but i haven't received very good feedback on how to go...
31 December 2019 3,072 3 View
Hi folks, I am working on the FPGA implementation of neurons. I want to save the time of spikes and few events on a readable file to be examined externally. Do you have any suggestions, please? I...
03 December 2019 8,453 3 View
I am making a polar moke setup and need a non-polarising beam splitter which splits the reflected light but not the incoming one. I would be grateful for any suggestion regarding model number/...
15 November 2019 6,070 3 View
Dear all, I recently meet a problem when I use RCWA codes. In the same structure, it tooks fewer time when using the FDTD solution. I need set a lot of orders to calcuate the structure which can...
03 November 2019 4,934 2 View
Dear Sirs, The setup for the dispersion measurement is as follows. Hg lamp, collimator, goniometer with triangular prism. We measure the light dispersion using the prism. To do so we determine...
26 October 2019 2,742 8 View
I currently work with polycaprolactone, which has a low melting point (~60C), but poor transmittance without heating close to the melting point. Please suggest a low melting point polymer (70%)...
25 October 2019 673 1 View
I had this question for years. I frequently (like almost always) find optic designs that expand collimated SMF output into larger diameter beams (something like two achromats after a small...
02 October 2019 8,218 7 View
We have LG10 beam only and we have to get HG(1,0).
01 October 2019 7,733 6 View
Evidence is preferred first, then the speculation. I only have speculation. Bobcats seem to rule out a thermoregulatory reason. The absence of a tail suggests a lack of tighter turns taken and no...
30 September 2019 7,384 11 View
In a camera (photography), the depth of field/view describes a volume within which objects are acceptably in-focus. Can this behaviour be reversed for a projector to allow the same focal setting...
02 August 2019 4,650 3 View
The common conductivity of bulky gold is 45.2e6 S/m. However, in some papers, the value is set as 7e6 S/m, namely, lossy-metal model. (Operating frequency is around 1 THz, thickness of gold film...
31 July 2019 6,036 2 View
I am trying to get output of laser beam from a FOC laser beam with diameter ranging from 100 microns to 1000 microns. The FOC diameter is 200 micron and NA is 0.22. What kind of lens or...
03 July 2019 6,034 3 View
I am trying to understand how the depth information in SD-OCT A-scans is obtained over distances far in excess of the source coherence length. From what I have gathered so far, it seems that the...
11 June 2019 7,014 2 View
Now I am studying k.p theory based on FD method to calculate the energy band structure of semiconductor, but I find that the number of discrete points (dz) has a great influence on the output...
14 April 2019 1,290 0 View
Need to have high efficiency around 600 nm. Thanks!
10 April 2019 3,009 5 View
Hi everyone. I konw Gaussian matrix in is very useful in mathematics. But in some applications, we need to transfer the mathematical formula and implement it into the real world. Talking about...
04 April 2019 7,931 7 View
I understand that the compressed air for the laser optics purge (first step of cleaning) such as mirrors or lenses should be "clean", but does anybody can explain me what really does it mean...
02 April 2019 8,211 5 View