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Questions related to Optics
Is it possible that there is a kind of amplifying mechanism, that just like EDFA to amplify 1550 nm optical light, to amplify ultrasound signal?
22 May 2017 8,971 3 View
I see that many papers based on film random lasers (like polymer films) show very low lasing threshold compared to colloidal random lasers (like rhodamine6G based ones). Is this true in every...
12 May 2017 1,050 3 View
Hi I am trying to figure out a technique (other than GFC/SEC/FPLC), to track the oligomerisation of my protrein complex of interest. Something which is fast and acceptable. Any biophysical...
12 May 2017 2,663 6 View
I need an answer on that question
06 May 2017 1,820 3 View
I am trying to simulate an aperture type FSS, but during oblique incidence, i am getting discontinuity at an offset of the resonance frequency. Can anyone explain the reason?
03 May 2017 2,239 3 View
Considering a Hermite-Gaussian (HG) Beam as a perfectly plane wave and ignoring the phase due to curvature(exp(ik(x^2+y^2/2R)), the phase of lobes is pi phase shifted from its neighbor. When we...
01 May 2017 4,589 5 View
I would like to video-record insects under IR light (850nm) in a way to see insects white on a dark background. However, a black material is prohibited because it impact the behavior I would like...
27 April 2017 9,477 7 View
Since we need to find the change in refractive index with respect to the propagation direction, does it really need a variable angle ellipsometer?, so that change in angle results in change in...
25 April 2017 8,892 4 View
The sample is a porous oxide layer on Aluminum produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Already, the sample employed for corrosion studies around 1000 h. Then, the corroded sample was...
23 April 2017 6,967 5 View
View signal visualuzer in optisystem give results of x and y components of dual polarized signal with real and imaginary parts . Is there any method to combine real and imaginary parts of x and...
18 April 2017 641 2 View
I generate orthogonal spatial modes like Hermite-Gaussian or Laguerre-gaussian from two different laser sources. Thus coming from incoherent sources will they not be orthogonal? Or in other words...
14 April 2017 4,583 2 View
In Wikipedia, it is said that quantum dot laser "avoid some of the negative aspects of device performance associated with traditional semiconductor lasers based on bulk or quantum well active...
09 April 2017 6,458 3 View
if in chromatic confocal sensor, a led with low coherence and a multi-mode fiber are used. I wonder this imaging process should be the which one ? In the monograph about fiber optical confocal...
05 April 2017 6,335 3 View
What equation is using for LS factor calculation for RUSLE in Arc GIS 10.1? Is it same as USLE method? Any suggestions will be welcome.
05 April 2017 561 6 View
I am using DLS measurements in order to calculate the second virial coefficient of a full-length mAbs in the presence of different buffer compositions and to do that, refractive-index increment...
04 April 2017 5,774 5 View
I have a parabolic mirror and want to place some optical fibers at the focal point in order to transmit light inside a climate chamber. Which optical fibers would you suggest?
02 April 2017 7,520 7 View
Now there are many Superluminescent Diode with a 3dB bandwidth of about 100 nm on sale. And they also provide SLD modules with a 3dB bandwidth of about 400 nm, by combining 4 SLDs, which is much...
30 March 2017 8,962 4 View
Here is how I think: 1. Homodyne needs to split the light into two branch of BPDs; ->1/2*P_signal due to 3dB coupler. 2. Heterodyne has intermediate frequency; -> 1/2*P_signal due to cos/sin...
28 March 2017 5,024 1 View
I need OCT database, i couldn't find it via the net ..Can you help me in getting it ?...
27 March 2017 5,232 2 View
Hello!I'm going to assemble passive q-switch, so between the cavity mirrors there will be laser crystal and absorber crystal.Could anyone recommend the software for simulation of these scheme?Big...
25 March 2017 4,773 1 View
I want to simulate the coupling between a Guassian beam and a sandwich waveguide structure and the focus position should be adjusted along the Z-axis. I tried to use the User-Defined profiles but...
23 March 2017 677 2 View
Dear sirs, I asked a bout the ways to solve non-linearity in WDM especially XPM and FWM using optisystem. Thank you
21 March 2017 8,694 3 View
This is used for image reconstruction. Another thing about the modulation of diffuser either it is phase or amplitude or both?
17 March 2017 5,349 4 View
I have an autocorrelation setup, which we observed field correlation with quite high visibility. Then, I insert the BBO crystal which converts 990nm to 475nm. I inserted a aspherical convex lens...
17 March 2017 3,684 16 View