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Questions related to Optics
Hello everyone. In my research I have come across the need for a material or coating that has the property that it is transparent for horizontally polarized light, while reflective for vertically...
02 April 2019 7,308 3 View
I need to study the surface of nylon-6 blank fibres with a thickness of nearly 40 micrometre, I work in optics lab with many optical components such as beam splitters, lenses, mirrors ... etc, can...
19 March 2019 436 3 View
I need surface reflectance in Sentinel 2 images, What is the best way to perform atmospheric correction in SNAP? Using Sen2cor plugin?
15 March 2019 9,162 4 View
Hello, I want to very accurately measure the distance between my microscope objective and my substrate using is an optical fiber sensor from Philtec. In order for the fiber optic to work, the...
11 February 2019 2,115 2 View
Hi, Maxwell Stress Tensor (MST) method is usually used to calculate the optical force exerted on an object. However, my question is about the applicability range of this method. When do we use...
29 January 2019 4,436 3 View
I need to understand the concept of bright mode and dark mode completely. I know that by the destructive interference of bright and dark modes we achieve PIT but what is exactly bright and dark mode?
11 January 2019 1,667 3 View
We are a research group working in the field of laser processing. We want to build our own femtosecond (or picosecond laser) for micromachining (fine marking for example). Do your know any low...
24 December 2018 6,139 8 View
Suppose a highly intense laser beam of 10 kW is incident on a mirror and a lens. Which of the two can withstand the power without getting damaged.
18 November 2018 6,686 17 View
I am looking into buying an optical table for high-resolution confocal microscopy and patch-clamp electrophysiology, and I am wondering which brand to go for. The table should be around 1.2m x...
30 October 2018 10,082 9 View
I am looking for the thinnest possible infrared mirror. A thickness of about 100 micrometers would be ideal. Does anyone have an idea ? The coating should be on both sides and the mirror should be...
15 October 2018 1,736 5 View
Hi all. May I know how to rationally choose the start time of a time monitor in Q-analysis group and time apodization in a f-domin field and power monitor in order to cut out the effect exerted...
19 September 2018 2,903 0 View
I have had so much difficulties with measuring PSD of fumed silica using DLS with 90 degree light scattering. The data do not make sense and I wonder if the particles aggregate very fast or there...
16 September 2018 8,638 3 View
I have come across a few journal articles that pertained to the usage of the QELS method for determining not just the interfacial surface tension but also the dynamic surface tension gradient. I...
14 September 2018 9,669 2 View
An optical gyro rotating at very less velocity may generate an output signal in milliHertz range. Is it possible to detect such signals?
09 September 2018 8,943 3 View
Dear Researchers, How to define a collimating lens in TracePro Software? Thanks and Regards, Dhanu Chettri
06 September 2018 4,177 2 View
The emission wavelength of active part of laser cavity depends upon the bandgap of material, while the allowed oscillation frequencies of passive part depends upon cavity length. How these 2...
03 September 2018 902 4 View
If an optical signal of 1550 nm wavelength is incident on a pin photodiode, what will be the nature of its output photocurrent ?
19 August 2018 1,045 23 View
I am in the process of building a new setup and have a discussion with my colleague on the subject. We will measure several monolayers on a flat reflective surface inside a vacuum chamber with ~1...
09 August 2018 9,463 2 View
Hi all, I am considering options for thermal imaging in a well plate. I have seen infrared camera used in vivo but so far no papers in vitro with commercially available resources. Could anyone...
30 July 2018 9,873 3 View
A simple definition might help to understand the diffraction pattern in an aperiodic nano-micro structured surface.
20 July 2018 4,058 6 View
I am doing some measurements using an LG02 beam and I find that the inner diameter is decreasing with increasing beam energy. This has already been seen. This means that the valley of the LG beam...
15 July 2018 9,113 9 View
Did anyone observe the suppression of low fluorescence signals from one organelle due to high signals from other organelles?
02 June 2018 5,991 6 View
Can somebody explains how to collects the statics of number of citation per year on a specific keyword ? I want to know number of citations per year on "Metasurfaces." It is perhaps one of the...
31 May 2018 3,366 8 View
I need to measure the power density of a laser. What is the most appropriate equipment to measure the intensity of a laser beam?
11 April 2018 2,410 3 View