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Questions related to Microsoft Windows
I have recently installed TopSpin 3.6.2 in a Windows 10 where I had already TopSpin 3.6.1 working correctly. After several attempts in installing and uninstalling I am still unable to use NMR-SIM....
19 November 2020 1,934 2 View
I have bulk rock major and trace elements data available to me.
18 November 2020 3,786 3 View
I am trying to look at the affect of a surface on the DOS of a supercell (in VASP), and found the nice scripts from the group at UT called VTST tools. The script does exactly what I...
16 November 2020 2,349 5 View
Hi im trying to simulate an injection-locked frequency doubler (15 to 30 GHz) in cadence, I'm plotting DFT of transient signal to calculate injection locking range or to see injection pulling...
15 November 2020 1,233 4 View
Hi, After loading 2D seismic lines in Petrel, I added three exploratory wells ( which supposed to be within the same 2D area) but these wells appears off the interesting area when I visualized...
26 October 2020 8,495 4 View
I'm working on the calibration of a hydrological model which is Python-based. In addition to my manual calibration, I need to carry out an automatic calibration and most articles I reviewed...
26 October 2020 9,250 2 View
I am trying to install CASTEP on windows 10 using cygwin but no success did anyone do this before? Thank you
06 October 2020 7,533 3 View
Researchers who are familiar with LATEX in Windows please suggest suitable versions of LATEX
06 October 2020 5,116 5 View
I have experienced insufficient sampling for high energy states in particular windows. The spring constant is not enough stiff to keep the value of the reaction coordinate. I know that you combine...
24 September 2020 8,074 2 View
I have already installed GROMACS in ubuntu (Windows 10), but now I would like to install VMD software in ubuntu (Windows 10), unfortunately I haven' t achieve it.
23 September 2020 10,107 3 View
Hi,respected all ,I observed that if I vary scan rate in LSV ,the current density will also vary as well as if I change the potential window ,the current density will also change ,is it right or...
11 September 2020 3,952 2 View
Hello! For visualise stress_strain Curve .i may be able to select at least one point in output window , please tell me about put window and also about such kind of point in output window...
08 September 2020 9,383 2 View
The trouble with dynamic biomechanical movement is that fast/abrupt movement can cause a marker or EMG sensor to fall off. It's rare for an EMG sensor to fall off during testing but when it does...
02 September 2020 6,237 5 View
Hi everybody, Does anybody know an alternative way to identify and quantify the 1D-H NMR spectrum for metabolomics studies other than Chenomx? We have no budget for Chenomx and I need a freeware...
30 August 2020 3,011 3 View
Hi, i need to use a surfactant to stabilize my dispersion of carbon active material to build my supercap electrode. I want to avoid irreversible readox reaction during cyclization! So I would...
27 August 2020 10,018 2 View
Hi Please help! I'm planning to conduct qualitative semi-structured interviews to evaluate my research contribution. Using Saunders' Research Onion (2016), I'm trying to identify what "research...
21 August 2020 6,019 11 View
Hi, I have found the ORF region of my nucleotide sequence which was obtained from Sanger sequencing using 16s universal primer. I have to cluster them before using them in my model. I am using...
14 August 2020 1,262 4 View
I have synthesized a polyaniline based composite and coated it on nickel foam. I performed CV in three electrode system at a potential window of -0.2 - 0.8 v. but the problem is : When I perform...
02 August 2020 9,568 3 View
I am using Gaussian 09 (windows). The problem has generated over last few days. Whenever I submit the job, it is immediately deleted with no error message and the output file is empty. The...
11 July 2020 2,789 1 View
I found in internet some drivers and softwares (flironecontrol and others), If anyone knows about more softwares, please share.
30 June 2020 6,840 2 View
Hello everyone, My name is Elodie and I'm PhD student in biochemistry and molecular biology. I'm trying to use TSA_CRAFT software which is a free software to analyse thermal shift assays datas...
24 June 2020 3,698 0 View
I want to work with a open source code software which is written in Fortan 77 code. For that the GNU Fortan G77 compiler is required. I have never used this compiler. Is it possible to install it...
15 June 2020 1,366 5 View
Can someone explain the differences in how Linux and Windows perform process scheduling?
01 June 2020 2,550 5 View
Hi all. . I'm trying to build range-diversity plots based on the Arita et al. (2011) script. My matrix is 136793 sites by 64 species. I've tried on a 4Gb Macbook Air and on a 64-bit Windows, but...
31 May 2020 6,215 0 View