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Questions related to Microsoft Windows
Dear All, Is it possible for a variable to be both input and output in Data Envelopment Analysis?
10 February 2020 4,547 6 View
The transient film-cooling technique is used to find the efficiency of the cooling system in gas turbine components. During experiments, the IR window is heating up gradually and the calibrations...
02 February 2020 3,924 1 View
Hi all, I am trying to estimate battery degradation using existing equations obtained from current literature. However, when it comes to Ah throughput there is a confusion about how we calculate...
02 February 2020 9,803 1 View
I have M traces containing values of the received power. The duration of the trace is 5 seconds and contains 5000 samples. I want to do a statistical analysis of the small scale fading of this...
02 February 2020 4,361 3 View
I have data of received power (traces of 5000 samples)where the large scale fading and small scale fading are mixed. My goal is to analyze the small scale fading. For this reason, I have averaged...
02 February 2020 9,361 2 View
By the way, I send attached the workflow I've performed. It is strange that in the Link to parameters window, in the Topology processing, instead of "no topology processing", now what I get is "no...
02 February 2020 7,965 1 View
I'm working with a ZnSe window and, during my process, I observed a white coat on the window's surface. It's uniform with some clear spots that look like a drop. It could have been methanol or...
02 February 2020 8,787 3 View
In the previous FiSAT DOS version I have managed to do it, but with Windows based I cannot find in the menu to do it.
02 February 2020 8,268 1 View
How to attach the thermocouple to the inside surface of the window so that the bead of the thermocouple does not get heated more than the glass surface due to the incident sunlight?
02 February 2020 5,425 4 View
I have labeled the specific neuronal protein through AAV injection and want to frequently observe the dynamic change of the same cell. I need go to the same spot every time. Could you please give...
02 February 2020 4,679 1 View
Hi, I am trying to run a vumat subroutine, but there is some abaqus-fortran linking issue. I use abaqus 6146 Micrasoft visual studio 14.0 parallel studio XE 2016 I added these command in my .bat...
02 February 2020 9,441 1 View
I performed a wrapper random search feature selection with Weka as follows: Evaluator: weka.attributeSelection.WrapperSubsetEval -B weka.classifiers.rules.ZeroR -F 5 -T 0.01 -R 1...
01 February 2020 7,457 0 View
How can i define the USRP N210 on pc under windows 10 and i used gnu radio 3.8.. i set the configuration and i make the ping and recived reply successfuly but i cannot define the device and an...
22 January 2020 1,669 2 View
Hello, I hope I am hoping for you advice. I am analysing the aggregated abnormal returns for N securities, which requires the assumption that the event windows of the included securities do not...
19 January 2020 7,531 1 View
I know there is a hammer dropping test, however in the circumstance of transportation, it is likely that cubes may fall from heights, i wish to know how i could drop a concrete cube from a height...
16 January 2020 8,991 0 View
In supercapacitor charge discharge, I set record signal-cut off voltage similar to that of potential window in CV performed followed by set current (charging and discharging). But potential window...
04 January 2020 1,592 2 View
Hi, I have a table created using tablewidget in PyQt5, now I want to add the functionality that when I click on the cells for example on column one of my table another window which I have created...
01 January 2020 7,443 1 View
01 January 2020 10,073 2 View
Nowadays, I need to use lcm protocol to communite simulink and c++ under different OS. The simulink is under Windows, and C++ is under the Ubuntu. Now I am facing the question to communicate by...
01 January 2020 684 5 View
Hi I have a task to do...which is the question above. I am pretty much new to Matlab. I have to complete these tasks in a new function which I need to make. I am finding it difficult to code for...
01 January 2020 7,279 3 View
Is it possible to search for words and sentences, without opening PDF files one after the other? I mean searching within PDF files without programs Without opening the PDF files Only through the...
01 January 2020 3,117 4 View
recently I used PCL in windows for point cloud processing but I want to use a python library instead of it or setup PCL in python. do you know how can I install PCL in python ? I need a source to...
01 January 2020 7,594 3 View
I am recording action potential firing using Clampex software on a Windows 10. These files are opening using Clampfit 10.4 to be analyzed using Minianalysis. Unfortunately, I can no longer analyze...
01 January 2020 8,910 2 View
01 January 2020 7,333 2 View