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Questions related to Microsoft Windows
Dear Colleagues, I am working with DMol3 in Biovia Material Studio 2017. Recently while I am working for optimization of a Graphene single sheet 8 x 8, it showed a strange failure notice. I tried...
30 May 2020 8,457 5 View
Hello, Im looking for some software (which run in windows 10 or linux) to perform a animal parentage analysis by using SNPs genotyping in a beadchip. Some suggestion? Thanks in advance.
28 May 2020 3,526 6 View
Most of the applications today, especially in streaming data, generate hundreds of variables coming from different sensors at the same time. Is it wise to call such data 'Multivariate' even when...
13 May 2020 8,903 0 View
When I tried to docking windows cmd shows Error: could not open "conf.txt" for reading. I have tried to change the path for cmd e.c.t, but it was not helping. And I tried to change from program...
11 May 2020 9,543 4 View
How its possible to run Autodock Vina on dedicated GPU in windows. I want to make virtual screening faster by making use of GPU. Is there any application that can make is simple. I tried to make...
10 May 2020 3,567 5 View
Could a metal be forced to fall by the wind when levitated by the support of two different repelling magnets ? If it could what weight it needed of the metal to overcome the wind effects ?
03 May 2020 6,323 0 View
Hello, I'm finding it strange to use GO affiliation methodologies based on the list of genes identified in my GWAS windows. Supposing, my list of genes has about 10 genes per window, and it may...
27 April 2020 9,059 0 View
I am working in 2D materials, please suggest best open access software for windows to analysis of electronic, optical and thermal properties
14 April 2020 562 3 View
I am performing protein-protein interaction using AutoDock 1.5.6, but in .dlg file, it throws an error "ERROR: 2328 records read in, but only dimensioned for 2048. Change "MAX_RECORDS" in...
06 April 2020 3,833 6 View
I am wondering if anyone has had issues with their image J thresholding? I am trying to perform colour deconvolution, but when I convert the image to binary, I am unable adjust the threshold to...
02 April 2020 3,979 3 View
I am receiving the following error when I am running a preprocessing code for my EEG data: Error using bsxfun Non-singleton dimensions of the two input arrays must match each other. Error in...
30 March 2020 3,458 4 View
30 March 2020 2,071 3 View
Hello, everyone. I am using Designbuilder to simulate the impact of different types of window on cooling load of classroom in hot and humid area. But I got results which I could not understand....
26 March 2020 402 1 View
In vesta, I am not able to visualize CHGCAR file created by vasp. As I try to open it, the vesta window turns grey. kindly help
24 March 2020 1,373 7 View
I have a problem in evaluating machine learniong algorithms in WEKA! I did the first six steps correctly, accordang to the instructions at...
19 March 2020 9,342 3 View
There are a lot of supporting materials need to install JULIA in Windows. I wanna ask if an easy way someone knows to install this useful program in windows. I face a lot of problems installing...
16 March 2020 8,405 4 View
Dear everyone: We have an Acquity-UPLC coupled to Synapt g2-si MS system. Recently, the MS was powered off because the electricity supply failed. When I restart the MS, and then run LCMS samples....
10 March 2020 9,640 1 View
For this,which are the parameters( effective stress,total displacement,etc) to be taken from the output window? The analysis is done for a homogeneous soil slope with building loads over the top...
06 March 2020 8,449 3 View
Hi, I am trying to run a vumat subroutine, but there is some abaqus-fortran linking issue. I use abaqus 6146 Micrasoft visual studio 14.0 parallel studio XE 2016 I added these command in my .bat...
26 February 2020 5,923 2 View
In the previous FiSAT DOS version I have managed to do it, but with Windows based I cannot find in the menu to do it.
23 February 2020 9,626 1 View
By the way, I send attached the workflow I've performed. It is strange that in the Link to parameters window, in the Topology processing, instead of "no topology processing", now what I get is "no...
18 February 2020 8,811 3 View
Could anyone suggest commercially available setups to measure the transient photoluminescence spectra and lifetimes (and/or PLQE) of air-sensitive samples/devices via a signal transmitted through...
18 February 2020 9,625 1 View
I have data of received power (traces of 5000 samples)where the large scale fading and small scale fading are mixed. My goal is to analyze the small scale fading. For this reason, I have averaged...
14 February 2020 1,135 2 View
I'm working with a ZnSe window and, during my process, I observed a white coat on the window's surface. It's uniform with some clear spots that look like a drop. It could have been methanol or...
12 February 2020 700 2 View