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Questions related to Microorganisms
I have done Y2H screening with normalized human cDNA library with protein of interest. I have got some positive colonies with blue colour on Leu, Trp, His, Ade dropout + Aureobasidin A and X alpha...
06 May 2020 6,931 0 View
Which is open source user friendly software tool for analysing metagenomic data of soil microbes for specific regions ? Metagenomic data of any source is generally huge and difficult to handle on...
04 May 2020 3,313 6 View
Cordycepin which is very similar to adenosine but lacks a 3′-hydroxyl group, can be erroneously identified and replaces nucleosides and interrupts the polyadenylation of mRNA, causing dysfunction...
29 April 2020 3,100 2 View
I need to isolate microorganisms that can produce proteases, in which environments can I find them Justify answer Thank you
28 April 2020 7,776 1 View
I tried to see the details of the delivery of a bacteria in risk group 1. But couldn't find the exact information . Does...
27 April 2020 7,182 1 View
In the light of Covid-19 pandemic, infection risks from any microbial zoonosis when manipulating bats for scientific research purposes should be taken seriously into consideration. We're netting...
23 April 2020 3,078 0 View
The population genetics 's view of recombination parameters is not useful to individual IBD models of transmission of genetic material to the grand-offspring generation. Sam Karlin and Liberman...
22 April 2020 5,403 0 View
Hi Is there a product that I can use to visualize microorganisms sitting on a solid 5x5 mm white surface without electron microscopy? I have tried EM without luck because it only shows a small...
16 April 2020 710 4 View
Sometimes I mean the danger of dealing with samples in some infectious infections, so ask if there is a device for that
07 April 2020 7,053 46 View
Hi, As part of a year-round trinomial project, I am looking for information about phenomenological mathematical models describing the dynamic behaviour of several microorganisms in the same...
02 April 2020 9,527 2 View
As we know some clay minerals and iron oxides have positive charges on Its surface, and viruses have negatively charges, is there any ability to use this feature to reduse or stop the activity of...
23 March 2020 5,141 4 View
What is the method or methods used in experimenting with the therapeutic action of a particular substance on healthy and incorrect cells, as well as pathogenic microorganisms
13 March 2020 494 3 View
I'm planning on using BHI or LB agar and replacing deionised water with saltwater that will be collected at the same location where my seawater samples will also be collected for growth promotion...
10 March 2020 8,499 3 View
Is there any list available of GRAS (generally recognized as safe) microorganisms with proper references?
03 March 2020 1,168 2 View
Please I need an answer: I have a treatment contain enriched compost with microbes. I need to evaluate the microbes but don't want to proceed a CFU. Can I use the t60 uv vis spectrophotometer...
03 March 2020 2,864 5 View
How many mechanisms are there between heavy metal pollutants and microorganisms? Who can detail the application of these microorganisms in the engineering field?
03 March 2020 5,471 2 View
protochol of produce vitamine B from bacteria by properties probiotics
22 February 2020 3,834 6 View
I am having difficulty finding the protein from yeast? Just want to extract protein and detect it by biuret reagent methods. I stored my yeast samples at -20C. So my question is how can I rupture...
19 February 2020 2,865 9 View
Will these microbes be able to survive in soil?
11 February 2020 5,789 3 View
Just wants to know whether we can differentiate aerobic and anaerobic bacteria from same isolation method or we have to follow another method of estimation for anaerobic bacteria.
08 February 2020 7,536 5 View
I intend to do Isolation of bacterial and fungal endophytic microorganisms from leaves collected from several sites. Is it possible to collect the leaf samples, store them at 4 degrees Celsius and...
05 February 2020 5,789 4 View
How would you suggest increasing the microbial production in in vitro rumen.? We are currently working with a 5,000 liter reactor using sugar beets as a feed stock processing about one ton per...
31 January 2020 2,155 2 View
Please is there anyone with experience working with metalaxyl fungicide treatment on soybean and soil microbes. Is there any kind of established protocol or relevant paper?
30 January 2020 3,892 2 View
For example: All bacteria prodcur Flagellin that can be detected by the plant to elicit a immune response. How does the plant 'know' which bacteria beneficial or virulent and when to orchestrate...
22 January 2020 5,240 3 View