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Questions related to Microorganisms
Lactic acid bacteria can not do sporulation under extreme conditions; So it is difficult to store them without decreasing CFU at room temperature for several years. Recently, Any methods for...
13 April 2021 1,095 5 View
How to produce vitamins from probiotic microorganisms in broth media?
07 April 2021 10,052 4 View
What would be the best methods to assess the type and/or quantity of microbial secondary metabolites present produced by the human oral microbiome? - Is HPLC the best way to go?
03 April 2021 8,633 3 View
hello dears, I was wondering if we always can refer the degradation in carrier lifetime due to ion irradiation damage to SRH recombination and should this equation always be...
30 March 2021 6,090 0 View
There are thousands of activities are continuously occurring in soil based on different source materials, reaction mechanisms, microorganisms etc. And they are playing important roles which effect...
25 March 2021 8,757 8 View
I am a student writing a scientific work about natural PHA. The European parliament published a directive 2 years ago. The one of goals of directive is to limit single use plastics in Europe. The...
23 March 2021 8,353 7 View
I understand it depends on the level of similarity or the cutoff set during the analysis. It does not necessarily belong to that species, but taxonomically it lies closer to the species. I...
16 March 2021 3,979 3 View
and Can the gut microbe be used for the treatment or diagnosis of liver fibrosis?
03 March 2021 874 2 View
I need to check the Heavy metal (lead) consumption assay using microbes at varying concentration in same media. ( 200mg/L to 2000mg/L).kindly help me to clear it.
20 January 2021 2,173 9 View
Non-radiative recombination increases with increasing content of indium (In) in CH3NH3PbCl3 perovskite.
09 January 2021 9,084 5 View
I work with on individual sequences about the verbal and non verbal behavior. The initial data is a 5 minutes videos. We split the videos each 10 seconds and annotate the verbal and non verbal...
26 December 2020 4,952 2 View
Also it's effects on plants.
23 December 2020 2,573 3 View
As an example of Julia Child, whose first receipe was shark repelent, my team and I are looking for some chemicals which wont harm planktons but will help keep planktons from our robot in sea.
21 December 2020 9,807 4 View
I use the BM medium, which was usually for amoeba growth, to cultivate the microorganism in water. The picture is observed by microscope after gram-staining. Can someone please tell why the image...
21 December 2020 9,881 3 View
I want to extract various microorganisms from the rice rhizosphere, particularly bacteria and fungi. Can anybody recommend an isolation protocol specific to the said purpose?
20 December 2020 3,695 3 View
This question is regarding the population and growth of microbes or microorganisms in the light and dark grey water. is there an accepted techniques for the separation and range of microbes?
06 December 2020 992 1 View
I want to study air-sea interaction. Microbes from sea surface switch to the air due to ocean movement. These microbes especially bacteria play a key role in the growth of phytoplakton. How can I...
20 November 2020 722 8 View
I was studying the biological treatment (anaerobic) of wastewater biomass. I found that anaerobic bacteria take a comparatively longer time to biodegrade nitrogenous compounds. Is there any other...
29 October 2020 1,154 3 View
The ATCC media preparation mentions trypticase and I am not able to find trypticase from any company like HiMedia, Merck or Sigma
27 October 2020 2,115 6 View
What is outcome of Mesotherapy in combination with Minoxidil in Alopecia?
19 October 2020 6,492 1 View
Biofilm Biofertilizers-It is being applied to adhere the surface of soil and plant matrix containing consortia of various micro-organism that cut down chemical fertilizer. It is cost effective...
13 October 2020 5,113 13 View
can anybody help me with In-vivo screening strategy for microbes having Bsh activity? I want to explore them for cholesterol lowering activity?
12 October 2020 6,532 3 View
I am trying to design a boron nitride based biosensor that can sense the abnormality of microbial activities on fish skin. I am very curious that is it possible to have such an aptamer that can...
24 September 2020 6,540 4 View
Many chemical fertilizers are commonly used to improve soil fertility and productivity. Urea, TSP, MP, Gypsum, Borax, Ammonium nitrate etc. are used familiarly all over the world. Though these can...
23 September 2020 9,851 20 View