Thin layers of tissue which cover parts of the body, separate adjacent cavities, or connect adjacent structures. | Contact experts in Membranes to get answers
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Questions related to Membranes
Hello, I have a sample that contains a certain number of organophosphorus compounds, each one of them has an alkyl (P-R bond) or alkoxy side chain (P-OR bond). I would like to perform a rapid...
27 April 2021 5,819 10 View
Hi, I am working on eggshell membrane and i want to expand it. could anyone tell me how I can expand this membrane?
24 April 2021 9,360 1 View
I am working with a kinase that seems (by fluorescence imaging) to shuttle back and forth from membrane localization to more cytoplasmic localization. We are able to manipulate this localization...
23 April 2021 9,442 2 View
Hi, I need some help and guidance on how to design a multi-component gas separation use a membrane specifically to sweeten natural gas.
20 April 2021 8,361 2 View
1. What is the differences between ultracel regenerated cellulose membrane or biomax PES? and what are their applications? 2. What type of ultrafiltration membrane can be used for a wide range of...
15 April 2021 5,709 2 View
As we sometimes see a statistically significant difference does not necessarily mean a difference in actual function. My question is does a receptor mRNA (like 5ht1a) decrease of less than 5%...
14 April 2021 1,027 2 View
I would like to know if anyone has suggestions for removal vitreous from fixed eye while performing flat mount imaging.
23 March 2021 3,097 3 View
I have installed pilot scale membrane bioreactor and pressure sensor psa-C01is also installed for TMP so pressure is shown in negative value.. What is their effect on fouling for tmp if their...
23 March 2021 4,562 3 View
The isotherms looks a bit like in paper Zhai et al, RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 22548. It seems that my sample sorbs linearly. When I tried to evaluate it, I got C value around 2 which means huge error for...
22 March 2021 256 2 View
Hello, I am currently doing some fouling experiments where the foulant is composed of polysaccharides and proteins and I would like to 'properly' compare both spectra. I thought about taking a...
17 March 2021 7,228 6 View
We are working with model membrane systems including bilayered vesicles (liposomes) and need to quantify and measure elasticity and wall thickness. Any idea or hint will be appreciated.
16 March 2021 5,701 9 View
After ultrafiltration of a protein mixture, the fraction of proteins that is retained on the ultrafiltration membrane; Is this fraction usable and how to obtain it without affecting the native...
13 March 2021 488 6 View
after 8 hours of running the experiments, the flux decreased from 60 LMH to 24 LMH. The operational conditions were 1.2 bar pressure and 1.6 gallons/hour. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
12 March 2021 160 0 View
what are the changes and remodelling that takes place in the cell wall of bacteria?
08 March 2021 8,177 1 View
I want to remove low molecular weight compounds (LMWC) from a sample through dialysis (MWCO 1 kDa). For both the sample and dialysis solution I am using sterile artificial seawater (i.e. same pH...
05 March 2021 7,766 3 View
Hello I work in sw620, sw480 and HT 29 cell lines and I did a migration assay for 29 H using Dapi . the problem is that i didn't get enough fluoresence I put a 200000 cell in 200µl free medium...
01 March 2021 2,888 2 View
This is particularly with regard to "Equilibrium in heterogeneous systems",it is given that he stable phase forms of pure A and ppure B at a given temperature and pressure can be denoted as α and...
22 February 2021 793 1 View
I want to measure water flux across the membrane. This water flux is described here: "Water flux across the membrane Based on the number of...
12 February 2021 6,997 0 View
I am trying to prepare a Polyvinyl alcohol membrane for carbondioxide adsorption
09 February 2021 7,995 3 View
It would seem most efficient for aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) to be attached to ribosomes or anchored at endoplasmic reticulum) so that tRNAs can be immediately charged and reused. However,...
07 February 2021 2,287 0 View
Greetings, I have created a number of 100ns ligand and enzyme simulations in which the simulation begins with my ligand within the binding pocket, then over the course of anywhere from 5-20ns the...
30 January 2021 3,810 2 View
Dear all, I am designing an Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane coupled with a CSTR. It is desired to utilized a dead end stirred reactor. The main purpose is to separate the enzyme used from the final...
28 January 2021 8,130 1 View
I've incubated my western-blot membrane with both primary and secondary antibodies and i just realized at the end that i've used a lower concentration of my primary antibody for my loading control...
28 January 2021 1,284 3 View
I am trying to check for some proteins if they are located in the inner or outer mitochondria membrane after treating the cells with a neurotoxin. I am using PK to digest the mitochondria, but I...
28 January 2021 5,390 2 View