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Questions related to Mechanical Engineering
As shear strength of AA2024-T4 alloy is inversely proportional to the temperature. is there any equation to predict shear strength of AA2024-T4 with respect to temperature?
13 May 2020 8,971 2 View
Hi, I am trying to do a 3 point bend test for a lattice structure. The beam is already latticed and is a nodal structure. The pins are discrete rigid shells. 3 interactions were created where...
04 May 2020 3,591 10 View
I am currently looking for ideas for my thesis (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering) and I am trying to see what possible areas within the 3D printing community would possibly be suitable. Any...
29 April 2020 1,402 3 View
how can I find a common related project between chemistry (polymers or biomolecules) and mechanical engineering( for example fluid mechanics )???
16 April 2020 2,533 1 View
Hello. I have the next problem with a simulation in Transient-Thermal from workbench. The message is "An internal solution magnitude limit was exceeded. (Node Number 55993, Body Box8...)" Fig...
14 April 2020 2,950 0 View
I want to measure the hardness of particles that are smaller than 120 micrometers. Do you think we can use depth sensing nano indentation method to measure the hardness of this material?
08 April 2020 5,928 9 View
Printing setting details can make a considerable difference when printing and or bioprinting. What specific settings have you found to make your prints of high quality when using Cura?
05 April 2020 7,469 0 View
it means the oil pump to be sometimes able to turn off during the driving cycle, and if it is possible, how efficient would it be? (more particularly in heavy vehicles like a bus).
04 April 2020 6,933 1 View
Examples of how to increase the contact surface area of the bottom area? Thank you.
26 March 2020 9,363 4 View
One of my papers have been accepted in an Scopus indexed journal. But in Scopus source, it is written Scopus Coverage from 1999-2018. Is it not in Scopus anymore? The journal shows that it is...
26 March 2020 1,936 5 View
There are some data available about the relation of hardness and strength for wrought aluminium alloys. However, I need a relation or tabulated data for cast alloys, specially eutectic Al-Si for...
26 March 2020 1,339 7 View
Dear Research Gate Members, Due to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread, many cities are facing partial or complete Lock Down. Like other sectors, Higher Education is also affected badly due to...
21 March 2020 8,926 46 View
Usually, during the structural design of flat glass, one does not need to take into account the effects of changes from residual stresses. Question: How to understand and predict the residual...
16 March 2020 830 5 View
Dear Research Gate Members, Nowadays, every one is talking about the Coronavirus COVID-19 and its affects are alarming throughout the world. Routine operations of many organisations are also...
13 March 2020 3,219 27 View
I just came across this statement on the book G.E.Dieter.Please explain me the meaning of this statement,"Note,however that the Burger's vector is the same along the entire dislocation loop.If...
06 March 2020 381 3 View
In the first lecture of heat transfer course, generally it is told that with Thermodynamics, it is not possible to get the heat transfer rate of a process. But in steady flow energy equation (time...
01 March 2020 9,858 9 View
I am trying to simulate a dynamic crash response of a sandwich panel. The machine that I am using is the Instron 9250HV drop-weight test machine with a mass of18.41 kg. There's no information on...
25 February 2020 1,618 3 View
I would like to run a factor analysis with SPSS but I have doubts about the structure that my database has to have. We have collected information about the two favorite food of different groups...
14 February 2020 6,704 2 View
I'm working in a project where we have a climbing hanger plate and we need to identify the material from which is made. We already applied the Ashby method, this gave us the AISI 304 as a result....
08 February 2020 9,451 11 View
I have RT-qPCR data obtained from an experiment of gene expression. Now I have four dCTs for each sample (untreated and treated groups( GOI & HK)). of course tests are done in triplicate(n=3). Iv...
04 February 2020 2,681 6 View
Where can I find a list of congresses or conferences indexed to Scopus?
02 February 2020 2,893 3 View
I am currently running welding process simulations in Ansys Workbench. I have been doing the Simulation Set Up manually and that takes me a long time. For example: in the attached file, there is...
24 January 2020 4,208 0 View
I am wondering about the logic why TEM mode cannot propagate in rectangular waveguides.
17 January 2020 5,626 8 View
Some researchers represents the solution concentration in Molars (like mM, uM, nM etc.,) and others represents in ppb or ppm. How can i convert ppb to molar?
10 January 2020 791 2 View