Some researchers represents the solution concentration in Molars (like mM, uM, nM etc.,) and others represents in ppb or ppm. How can i convert ppb to molar?
If you use 0.001 g/l as your concentration and desire to convert say 250 ppm Magnesium sulfate to molar concentration, you could actually multiply the ppm concentration by 0.001 g/l, then divide the product by the molecular weight of MgSO4 to obtain the molarity.
Good question because it is quite common to use ppm and ppb in the scientific literature. First we need to say that actually these terms are ambiguous because they express a proportion of quantities of a solute in a solution (they are analogous to a concentration %). When we express concentration as %, in general it is necessary to specify the nature of the quantities we are using, as if it is weight or volume. For example, a 70% solution of EtOH in water can be quoted as "70% (v/v) EtOH solution". So you need to specify if the quantities considered in the concentration parameter correspond to a volume or to a weight (mass). If the solute is a solid and the solvent is a liquid or a gas, then we use (w/v); e.g., 200 ppm (w/v). When quoting gas concentrations it is commont to express them as ppm or ppb without indicating the nature of the mixture; in this case it is assumed that the concentration is given by volume (v/v) or by mol (mol/mol).
Considering this, for the conversion from ppm or ppb (m/v) to M, first we need to say that ppm means 1 part of solute in 1 million parts of solution (10^6), ppb means 1 part of solute in 1 billion parts of solution (10^9), and that 1 M = 1 mol/L. Then we can do the following:
1 ppm (w/v) = 10^(-6) g/mL = 10^(-3) g/L
To convert to M, we divide the above by the molecular weight (MW) in g/mol:
1 ppm (w/v) = 10^(-3) g/L / (MW) [=] mol/L [=] M
Therefore, we have the following:
1 ppm (w/v) = 10^(-3)/(MW) mol/L = 10^(-3)/(MW) M
1 ppm (w/v) = 1/(MW) mM
Por ppb, in an analogou manner we have:
1 ppb (w/v) = 1/(MW) 10^-6 M = 1/(MW) uM
In the case that the solute is expressed by volume (v/v or v/w), first we need to obtain the weight (mass) of the solute by using its density, and then proceed as above.