One of my papers have been accepted in an Scopus indexed journal. But in Scopus source, it is written Scopus Coverage from 1999-2018. Is it not in Scopus anymore? The journal shows that it is indexed in Scopus from 1999 to present.
According to the in this link mentioned and included list of discontinued journals in Scopus journals are discontinued because of all sorts of reasons for example “publication concerns”. There is a quite some discussion going on here on RG about some journals of the publisher “Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication”:
You might wonder whether the decision made by Scopus for initial inclusion should be more vigorous in order to avoid a possible discontinuation since people rely on indexation in database/services like Scopus.
Apparently the journal you refer to is one of those journals (or publishers behind those journals) that misleadingly doesn’t mentions that the journal is no longer indexed in Scopus.
Rob Keller might right. The journal may need to pretend that it is indexed still in Scopus, discontinued from the database some years back though.
If the journal did not do this intentionally, they might have forgotten to update the information in their official website. However, if the journal is no longer indexed in Scopus, the article you are going to publish will not be considered as an article published in a Scopus indexed journal since it was discontinued from Scopus by the time it is published.
I would rely on the data listed in the SCOPUS database, rather than the journal. SCOPUS reviews journals on a periodic basis and does indeed discontinue/de-list publications, if they don't meet certain requirements. This is explained in further detail in the following blog post: