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Questions related to Mechanical Engineering
Hi, I am new to OpenFOAM and made a 'sub' folder under tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam using the 'cavitatingBullet' case and moved an ASCII .msh file to it from Fluent. When I am trying...
26 November 2021 8,563 2 View
I have studied a book called Thermal Design and Optimization (adrian bejan et al.). Sections 2 and 3 of this book explain how the mass flow rate of fuel and air in a gas turbine can be calculated...
09 November 2021 6,479 4 View
I modeled a 5 story three-dimensional steel structure in OpenSees. I want to get the modal participation masses and Modal participation factors and compare it with the Etabs model. I know that...
04 November 2021 1,825 7 View
I am making kosaric media using artificial seawater in various salinity for microalgae cultivation. At first, I tried to filter the seawater and then add chemicals. After autoclaving, there was...
27 October 2021 5,462 3 View
Dear all, I am currently working on the harmonic response of the motor. I am calculating the ERP level waterfall diagram of 4 different areas in my system. I have created 4 different named...
20 October 2021 7,794 0 View
can any researcher help me to find advanced lectrures related to electrochmical corrosion of stainless steel alloys ??
13 October 2021 1,823 3 View
Hi Researchers, Few researchers are testing bamboo experimentally under compression following a similar configuration to measure the elastic constants for wood, see the literature reference for...
04 October 2021 4,843 1 View
I have a CT3 Texture analyser and currently I am working on the properties of gel. I want to find out apparent modulus of the gel and also gel strength. For that, the instrument have inbuilt...
01 October 2021 1,596 2 View
Hello, Is it possible to measure arginase activity in organs that have been stored at -60°C for 3 years?
28 September 2021 6,450 3 View
I want to calculate the stiffness of spring for Winkler foundation from different soil type. Can anyone derived or calculated the spring stiffness for Winkler foundation based on different soil...
26 September 2021 4,176 4 View
HI I've been trying to obtain the Prony series through various approaches i.e. Matlab, Digimat, Mcalibration. However, I have not found a solution. As you can see in the picture, the prony...
20 September 2021 4,904 0 View
I want to convert mass concentration to number concentration. For eg., If I have a value 28 ug/m^3, which formula or what factor can I use to convert the value into particles/cm^3?
04 September 2021 4,126 5 View
As Maxwell relation is well-known to determine the thermal conductivity of mixing nanoparticles with oil. However, I need a relation to calculate the thermal conductivity of mixed two liquids.
31 August 2021 3,721 2 View
Dear all, I would like to know if anyone can help me on how to Calculate Phan-Thien-Tanner (PTT) constitutive model parameters from rheology experimental data. I need those parameter for an ANSYS...
26 August 2021 9,128 3 View
Hi I develop an Arabic gum syrup by mixing sugar, water and arabic gum. But, I am facing a problem of forming coarse foams every time I dissolve gum arabic (regardless of the concentration) in...
24 August 2021 812 4 View
I have UV spectra of metallic nanoparticles and I want to get DLS data about it using calculations as it's possible this is due to " I got sizes using SEM, TEM, XRD that are very smaller than...
06 August 2021 9,372 14 View
According to the attached image of the procedure of the ASF to find the maximum of extreme point in NSGA3, why we simply choose the solution with the minimum ASF value having in the i-th...
03 August 2021 2,083 1 View
I have 19 data points and I found that inverse gamma distribution best fits my data. Now, I got one more data point (i.e. 20th data point) and i want to check that if this data point lies on the...
02 August 2021 6,170 10 View
Hi everyone, I'm performing 2D Orthogonal turning of Ti6Al4V sample, although I'm able to see chip formation and run the model smoothly but I can't seem to get serrated chips which actually is my...
18 July 2021 1,481 5 View
I am working on a complex geometry of a CT scanned bone which was meshed and has SOLID70 elements. I am attempting to undertake a steady state thermal analysis on the geometry, applying a...
11 July 2021 1,142 0 View
Dear all, I am doing an LCA of packaging systems in SimaPro using ecoinvent 3 (mainly consequential library). I am struggling to find a waste treatment process for cardboard, for which the...
02 July 2021 8,269 3 View
I have made 2% PVP solution for the growth of nanoparticles. From this solution, I am taking small volumes for different synthesis. Please suggest me that for how long this solution can be used,...
01 June 2021 4,305 1 View
Hello everyone! I was designing a turbine blade for wind speeds in the region of 6.75 meters per second in Qblade. When creating the 2D Polaris in Qblade I have to input Reynold's number, (which...
25 May 2021 2,395 2 View
I know the basic momets of how to stabilize a solving process, but I often get a negative temperature error when solving such problems. However, even when using standard solvers, this error...
25 May 2021 7,074 0 View