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Questions related to Crop Science
Zinc (Zn) and Boron (B) both are micro nutrient elements for plants. If two different fertilizers containing these two elements are applied together, what will be their impact?
05 February 2021 928 4 View
I want a formula which can convert extraterrestrial solar radiation (ESR) from hourly to daily. Please help. Thank you.
25 December 2020 2,491 2 View
The intrinsic relationship between nitrate and ammonium transporter proteins is hardly known, so I raise this question. Although CIPK23 activates NRT1.1 (HATS mode) by phosphorylation and...
19 October 2020 1,906 1 View
I would like to know the percentage of Silica and Fe in river sand. I am a novice learner of AAS machine but i don't know how to prepare sample for digestion. Could anyone please help me how can i...
09 September 2020 2,620 6 View
Hello all, wondering if anyone can have an idea. Using PB 4.1 (unix), and after a power outage the restart function of the pb module refuses with a segmentation fault and error: data recoded. new...
06 September 2020 3,483 0 View
I am new in the field of statistical analysis of microbial ecological data. I read many articles on microbial community structure and dynamics and data presentations varied. For shannon, simpson,...
21 July 2020 1,785 2 View
In my RCBD field experiment, I would like to measure the following parameters for two maize varieties (local and improved) and two varieties of beans (NABE16 and velvet beans): 1. LAI 2. Grain...
10 July 2020 4,094 4 View
AMF spore sterilization
07 July 2020 3,327 3 View
Effect of intercropping on growth(plant height,number of leaves/tillers,dry matter composition) and yield attributes(number of cobs/plant, number of seed per cob, cob lenght,cob girth, grain...
06 July 2020 4,833 3 View
what effect can be seen on Pigeon pea intercropping system when planted on two different directions like North-east and South-west
06 July 2020 7,620 2 View
My purpose is to determine nitrate and ammonium in organic fluid fertilizers (minimum six sample per day) but I'm undecided to buy a UV-Vis spectrophotometer or a semi-automatic kjeldahl...
13 May 2020 1,742 0 View
Hey everyone, I have been trying to isolate Azospirillium from soil samples using this media recipe: Ingredients Gms / Litre Part A - Malic acid 5.000 Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 0.500...
12 May 2020 5,704 0 View
During tantalum oxide deposition I use single-wavelength optical control. I have two control points on the substrate. For this, I use an optical monitor at a single wavelength. In real-time it is...
27 April 2020 8,150 12 View
I intended to insert a sensitive photodiode instead of the photomultiplier in the nuclear scintillation detector.
15 March 2020 3,372 6 View
I would like to how can we reduce methane emissions from anaerobic digestion in MSW landfills.
31 January 2020 1,440 3 View
I am cloning terpene synthase genes (CDS) there are different types of them in the same plant which can be quite similar too (i.e in some cases about 97% identity). I was wondering if I it would...
31 January 2020 2,231 0 View
I need to apply four of these as basal dose to see the efficacy of Zinc & Boron in boro rice. I 'm looking for precise dose with explanation. Can anyone please help in this context?
31 January 2020 6,708 1 View
we are investigating using AL as a storage medium in a gas-tight environment possible using N2 or inert gas after eliminating the atmospheric O2 in this sealed containment. We would love to know...
30 January 2020 4,246 3 View
hello everyone i had conducted a pot experiment and determined photosynthetic activities, chlorophyll and plant N content. Now i want to calculate photosynthetic N use efficiency (PNUE)in pot...
16 January 2020 4,036 3 View
I was under the impression for a while that Rhizophagus irregularis was formerly known as Rhizophagus intraradices, but in Krueger et al 2012, it is shown that they are actually distinct. But I've...
06 January 2020 3,837 0 View
Is there an effect of AMF in germination? What I mean can AMF have an ability to infect the hypocotyl, in order to increase the germination percentage, germination rate, and seed vigor? If you...
22 December 2019 9,776 12 View
dear friend, RSC= (CO32-+HCO3-) - (Ca2++ Mg2+) can anybody explain how to calculate the residual sodium carbonate? it is appreciated if you could provide with an example calculation....
19 November 2019 4,736 7 View
Hi everyone, I need to obtain a 10^7 zoospores/ml solution of P.cactorum. Until now I have only been able to achieve a concentration of 10^5 zoospores/ml with the protocol from Pettitt et al....
23 October 2019 7,120 11 View
I want to set up a pot experiment of which phytoremediation techniques should be used as to remove metals. So, which plant I should use or who are the most effective accumulators.
14 October 2019 7,028 12 View