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Questions related to Crop Science
Unlike crop science where we grow again the crop in 3/6/9 months to have data of 2 years and take pool analysis of two years. But in forest science, silviculture and ecological studies we can not...
22 December 2017 2,066 3 View
Hello, In order to avoid re-cutting of my DNA by cas9 (after a hopefully successful knock-in), I need to change the NGG sequence in my donor plasmid. The problem is that the NGG is in the coding...
02 November 2017 1,991 5 View
In general italic Arabidopsis thaliana is used (when both genus and species) .What we should prefer either normal Arabidopsis or italic Arabidopsis within manuscript where only genus...
01 November 2017 2,510 5 View
I was not having issues until this week, in which leaves reached the pot edge, and tools as Make Binary or Threshold take leaf and pot as a unit, despite the color of these are pretty different...
31 October 2017 1,713 5 View
If I were to design an inter-cropping system in the tropics with maize and a climbing legume species (Centrosema) in a less conventional way- that is - by suspending the legumes in mid-air above...
25 October 2017 3,213 6 View
One of most challenge for farming cultivation in slope land is weed control.
19 September 2017 3,803 9 View
I have started with anammox enricment in batch culture. Its been three months. The initial concentration of Ammonium and nitrite is 50m/L. At the end of 3 days, I am gettin ammonia concentration...
14 September 2017 325 4 View
Which one of these tomato cultivars [Brigade (Asgrow) , Design (Nunhens), Dracula, DR15241, DR15254 (De Ruiter), Forum, PS 1617, PSR 0067, PSR 0419 (Peto), Lycos 29595 (ISI) or Synthesy (Furia...
25 August 2017 9,073 3 View
In Higly calcareous soils Semitolerant crps like Bt hybrid cotton, Vegetables and tolerant crops like Cereals, Sorghum, Wheat and Legume Dolichus Purpureus can be grown sucessfully under limited...
19 August 2017 8,006 3 View
I am studying the financial interest of fertilizer use on food crops. Fertilizer prices appear being much more accessible than cereal prices.
16 August 2017 8,515 2 View
In cloud seeding chemicals are scattered above the clouds, can I access some how that data?
10 August 2017 2,282 0 View
I would like to know the opinion of experts in the matter, about this issue of special concern for me.
27 July 2017 198 4 View
Kindly suggest procedures to be followed for evaluation of Cacao (Theobroma cacao) for shade tolerance. Methodology for conducting the study? What are the parameters which need to observed?. Thank...
26 July 2017 8,801 3 View
I finished my experiment RWC with 12-day-old transgenic soybean in normal treatment (watering). There was nothing wrong with sample collection, all plant was not dirty and I cleaned out the water...
09 July 2017 7,013 18 View
Higher gelatinization temperatures is directly proportional to longer cooking time of rice flour
09 July 2017 6,490 3 View
Are kiwi seeds suitable for cultivation?
29 June 2017 2,649 6 View
can we use landsat 8 data for crop classification and crop yield estimation of rice and sugarcane
28 June 2017 7,047 4 View
I am going through a project on the contribution of litter-fall towards the nutrient supply in high density peach orchard. I have to determine the nutrient contents in the fallen leaves. But, I...
15 June 2017 5,091 28 View
We conducted an experiment to asses the effect of storage temperature (03 temperatures) and storage length (04 times) on pollen germination and pollen tube growth of (06 cultivars). some authors...
03 June 2017 2,993 3 View
Many cultural anthropologists are asserting that the traditional ecological knowledge evident in the cultural beliefs and practices of local communities are scientifically driven and are agreeable...
02 June 2017 1,143 3 View
How can I calculate deterioration rate of seed (corn)? Is there a formula? I have data of humidity, temperature, cold test and Germinative power of the seed
31 May 2017 9,845 4 View
I was given a maize SNP dataset in the HapMap format and I was curious how I can infer the genotype given this particular format (see picture below). I understand that for HapMAp data the second...
22 May 2017 6,254 21 View
Can you help me to identify this plant? I am confused if this plant is a Brassica juncea or Brassica integrifolia. If not of the two, what is their scientific name? This picture was taken from...
20 May 2017 5,789 5 View
In Kawas area of Barmer district of arid western Rajasthan , India Tamarix species has replaced native Prosopis cineraria /Tecomella undulata and even exotic Prosopis juliflora after flash flood...
20 May 2017 3,047 12 View