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Questions related to Crop Science
Does anyone have experience with using the EcoPlates from Biolog to run 3 different samples instead of three replicates of 1 sample? I want to use the data to characterize the niche space and...
01 October 2019 3,912 4 View
Im starting a projects about the effect of epiphytes on inflorescense and pod production of mezquites (Prosopis alba), Do you know any article about how to measure these in an individual?
23 September 2019 6,139 0 View
A Previous well-known technique is TG/DTg but the fibers decompose with the rubber on raising the temperature so it won't work what else characterization technique we can use for this particular.
16 September 2019 7,134 4 View
Are there any documents about how backscatter values are different between polarizations in case of Sentinel1, like what VH can capture but VV misses for instance?
13 August 2019 710 3 View
Synthetic ammonia is an important factor to ensure crop yield. With the increasing amount of fertilizer input, the environmental problems become more and more prominent. How to ensure both yield...
12 August 2019 2,915 4 View
Hi I was wondering if anybody has experience of 3-Nitrotyrosine residues formed in the protein structure e.g. extracellular matrix (ECM) following treatment with detergents like sodium...
29 July 2019 1,449 0 View
As you know, the clouds seeding in the world is carried out in two ways; the classic method and the new methods like ionization method. The classic method is what's happening in nature, and...
15 July 2019 3,968 7 View
I've been looking around for some common relationships between above ground biomass of vegetable and legume crops (peas, tomatoes, beans, Swiss chard) and easily measurable growth...
15 July 2019 4,094 10 View
This dangerous pest spread to the plants spread in one of the most important regions in the world: St. Catherine's Protectorate, South Sinai, Egypt and threatens all the plants in the region and...
18 June 2019 9,861 26 View
I want to get a list of funding agencies who supports nutrient management research specifically in cereal based cropping systems.
14 May 2019 8,863 3 View
Looking for help solving the following diffusion problem. All guidance, references and/or exact solutions are welcome! *** You are given a small capsule containing CO2, at pressure P, at time, t...
22 April 2019 2,743 0 View
I want to understand what is the calculation to derive a number 120.9 for SS Subjects (matching) in ANOVA table in two ways RM ANOVA with matches values on...
11 April 2019 8,155 0 View
I think, like mobile towers, localized cloud seeders at village level can be established so that any heavy rain in adjacent places can be attracted It is possible to obtain rainfall...
21 February 2019 1,565 1 View
I am looking for SOP / detailed manufacturing process of a capsule that contains prebiotic, probiotic blend along with few herbal extracts. What special precautions are needed to be taken while...
20 February 2019 7,959 4 View
I want to inoculate Cercospora beticola in the sugar beet by the artificial inoculation method. kindly suggest me a protocol which suitable for sugar beet.
04 February 2019 3,443 0 View
I have done some Sugarcane Streak Mosaic virus identification tests for sugarcane varieties. The band intensity is differ from variety to variety. How can I measure the band intensity? A...
21 January 2019 1,766 6 View
Hi, Have anyone used non-fertilized white-peat volcanic clay mixture to grow plants for boron deficiency related work? or if any kind of soils you have used/read somewhere kindly let me know
19 January 2019 7,991 3 View
which plant has the highest tendency of absorbing heavy metals from soil and water ? Is there any set of plants or any specific family have such tendency ??
01 January 2019 9,198 15 View
what Difference in two methods real time pcr: sybr green and prob?
31 December 2018 6,263 0 View
I have a datasete of 10 SSR markers scored in 22 populations. How I should prepare the POWERMARKER dataset? Thanks a lot Sara
17 December 2018 3,376 9 View
Is there a way to control this situation؟
20 November 2018 6,197 5 View
To calculate potential evapotranspiration i need this value..
15 November 2018 4,104 4 View
Hi all dear professores as you see all sepals have been changed to large leafs. Please notice that these symptoms just have seen on 3 bushes. What is your idea about this problem?
08 November 2018 8,445 16 View
hello every one i am going to defense my phd research proposal and i want to study soil enzymatic activies but my supervisor suggest me you have to put some question that why you are studying...
19 October 2018 782 5 View