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Questions related to Crop Science
I have been conducting gene expression assays using a GUS reporter in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Expression was strong when I applied my positive controls, however when the seed stock started...
05 September 2018 7,266 7 View
I would like to make principal coordinate analysis from AFLP data somebody has a good suggestion which program to use?
18 August 2018 1,791 14 View
We are trying to germinate sunflower pollen grains to study the temperature effects.
10 August 2018 665 2 View
Deposition is the end/stop of the erosion. it is a bit hard to say if it is or it is not.
30 July 2018 2,033 11 View
hello every one how to convert gram per square meter to kg per hectare and reconvert it let suppose i have 12 meter square area and i have to apply iron foliar spray 25g so how i can convert it to...
28 July 2018 9,237 4 View
I inoculated malt extract with spores from 5 day old malt agar plates. After that I incubated the flasks at 250 rom for 72 hr at 30C temperature. What I observed is the difference in fungal...
07 June 2018 4,597 3 View
Estimation of methane and carbon dioxide from open dumps in developing countries where there is no available statistics of quantity of waste generated and population.
05 June 2018 1,330 3 View
Is there any notable advantage/disadvantage or reason to use either propidium iodide, zombie red, or annexin V for flow cytometry detection of cell viability? Thanks.
02 June 2018 3,180 3 View
I am interested how fast can the cluster membership change. I know it depends on the parental genotypes, but how strong this change could after one or more generations? Im working with Q-values...
29 May 2018 2,742 2 View
Rice -Maize -Fallow is the potential cropping system, so is there any program to include legumes like cowpea, frenchbean etc. in the intercropping or relay yardlongbean with the maize...
28 May 2018 3,543 7 View
I am going to store some field water samples in the serum bottle and seal it by rubber stopper and aluminum seal. After certain time, I am going to measure the metal concentration of these water...
27 May 2018 2,219 1 View
I need monthly data for sunshine hours and/or solar radiation for 2017 in Italy. Is there a database from where I can get data? or a method to simulate one of these two parameters?
23 May 2018 9,015 9 View
Species distribution models (SDMs) are an incredibly common tool for predicting species occurrence, occupancy, or abundance on the landscape. There are many methods (Maxent, ANN, regression trees,...
23 May 2018 7,359 25 View
I'm using hemispherical photography to estimate canopy cover, but am wondering if I need to prepare the pictures before analysis in ImageJ since they were taken with a 170 degree, ultra-wide angle...
20 May 2018 9,305 3 View
I m research scholar, i m working on prebiotics of some plants and want to check out prebiotic potential of plants against probiotics.
14 May 2018 2,492 5 View
I am trying to lookon the impact of intercropping and rotation on MAHFP ( months of adequate household food provisions )and HDDS( household dietary diversity score). As these dependent variables...
19 April 2018 3,315 1 View
hello every one, i am going to conduct an experiment on maize and alfalfa intercropping system, my research design will be as fallow a pot experiment entitle above and below ground study of...
28 March 2018 3,228 4 View
In some cases the co-inoculation at the same moment gives great outcomes, but it seems that separate inoculation in different times is better when the experiment is conducted under stress...
10 February 2018 447 1 View
i want to conduct a cultivar evaluation trial of Phaseolus vulgaris and in a desperate need for standard scientific protocol
08 February 2018 4,857 3 View
To my understanding, sodium nitrite is a synthetic food additives which mainly used for curing. Recently, there are some uncured meat products (e.g. bacon) which used plant nitrate such as celery...
01 February 2018 6,442 3 View
History of movements of Prosopis juliflora out of its native ra is not very old but its uncontrolled spread in arid and semi-arid tropics is being seen as a disaster . We have demonstrated that...
29 January 2018 1,888 16 View
Hallo, I have carried out dN/dS analysis using branch-site model using CODEML program and some genes have extremely low p-value such as 1.74020337167983E-60 , 1.3259484055519E-28 ....
08 January 2018 4,010 4 View
Dear Experts I see the following errors when I try to extract DMRT in R. I have critically checked the values of replicates. Please suggest me the appropriate commands to resolve this problem....
03 January 2018 9,954 2 View
Do the waves of telecommunication stations affect the clouds and reduce the rainfall?
24 December 2017 8,153 2 View