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Questions related to Citations
I am looking for a public available 3D building model dataset, BIM with sensor data for temperature, humidity, occupancy, and others IAQ parameters. This will be helpful with thermal...
19 July 2021 3,152 1 View
Hi, I am writing my Master thesis and I wanted to insert one figure of a life cycle of a pathogen. Can I adopt one figure from a published source (research article or review) and slightly modify...
18 July 2021 2,650 5 View
I an running glucoraphanin (GR) and sulforaphane(SFN) standard. I prepared 0.5ppm in MeOH from 1000ppm in DMSO stock solution. I have tried several columns (C18, K5, hypercarb and suplco LC...
08 July 2021 8,636 4 View
On June 2021, the new Journal Citation Reports (JCR)™ was released, featuring the latest refinements and additions to the journal intelligence platform’s existing store of resources. The annual...
03 July 2021 8,779 1 View
Clarivate says the key highlights for 2021 include: More than 20,000 journals from 113 countries across five continents and 254 research categories in the sciences, social sciences, arts and...
02 July 2021 8,313 18 View
I have been struggling with some plants in their in vitro propagation. Can there be unusual methods in plant tissue culture? The other than the standard methods... Share me some citations please....
26 June 2021 5,593 9 View
I am having difficulty figuring out how to change the end-of-sentence reference to an in-text reference. I have been doing it manually, but I am hoping to find a more efficient way. For example,...
23 June 2021 7,138 3 View
I have prepared a review article that contains more than 5000 words and 300 citations. Can anyone suggest to me several journals that will be APC-free and no word and citation limitation? Thank you.
20 June 2021 6,048 10 View
I've got a system where I'm continuously purging a chamber with 2500L/min of N2 and Ozone is being generated in the chamber at a rate of 450 mg/min. The exhaust blower flow is balanced to keep...
09 June 2021 2,351 2 View
What are the ways to increase citations to articles and books?
07 June 2021 9,711 13 View
My question is about the inconsistency between the species authorship date and the journal publication date that appeared since Zoobank came into use. I would like to extend my question with the...
02 June 2021 743 12 View
If so, how to do this - with asterisks and then a subsection in the reference list? I don't see journals giving much guidance, but when you have 30+ studies this seems like a helpful thing to do -...
30 May 2021 2,648 3 View
Any material or related article on this?
28 May 2021 7,247 3 View
Dear scholars, I do not really want to commit unintentional plagiarism, I know that some students do it in easier way but this is my very complex question from my perspective and I hope to...
25 May 2021 6,535 1 View
I am currently working on a manuscript for submission to an American Physiological Society (APS) journal (American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology). I am...
19 May 2021 879 2 View
I am completing the final research paper as part of a term-long scaffolding writing assignment. It is a lit review paper. I used research in my previous papers that I am using for this paper in...
01 May 2021 2,055 2 View
I was facing problem in how to use the same Mendeley library in two different laptops. But now after syncing, the problem has been solved. Thank You.
20 April 2021 4,689 4 View
When a particular topic is searched for , full texts are not available. My request is to upload the entire content for the benefit of other researchers. This will enable more access, views,...
17 April 2021 9,141 17 View
iNeed to keep it as simple as possible . I am using quota sampling and think a questionnaire might be easier to analyse than a likert . So my question is how do I analyse questionnaire and...
16 April 2021 3,380 4 View
Dear all Please suggest, if an author can use his/her own developed scale in one paper ( accepted, yet to be published in one journal) to carry another research for another paper. If yes how do...
10 April 2021 8,997 3 View
They just deleted all (20+) of my (public) groups which mean deletion of 5 years of references collected by me and my research group ! Time to move on to something better and more reliable. What...
02 April 2021 5,930 9 View
Hi all, I was wondering if there's a way to contact Google to correct the citation number of a specific article in Google Scholar Index? There's a paper of mine of which the citation number in...
11 March 2021 8,232 4 View
I have written many research papers in local language, for which I have got many citations in offline mode. But the citation index is calculated in online mode only. so I don't get my citation...
05 March 2021 6,507 4 View
I have an issue with APA 7th in-text citation. II have two papers where the first three authors are the same, and the fourth is different. I am using the Mendeley desktop app, and automatically it...
03 March 2021 1,222 3 View