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Questions related to Citations
Nowadays we experience the impact of artificial intelligence as well as educational technology in teaching teaching-learning process. To make our learners more active how can we integrate...
06 October 2023 918 8 View
Which of constellation helps sailors to navigate at the sea and relationship between Earth's position around the sun and the constellations that are visible at night?
26 September 2023 998 3 View
My paper is uploaded but the topic is not agree with my research paper. I don't know why?
17 September 2023 322 2 View
Quiero saber sobre los antecedentes que pueden tener sobre la utilización de la inteligencia artificial en el campo educativo. Cómo los maestros pueden utilizar la inteligencia artificial en el...
24 August 2023 8,113 0 View
Recently, I setup an MFC experiment, and the OCV fell to zero after showing a certain value for 8 mins. Is it because of no biofilm formation? Thank you in advance for your answers.
10 August 2023 3,742 6 View
I test BOD of inlet sample of sewage water, in which there is no problem in inital DO but when i incubate it for 5 days, after incubation when i go for estimation of final DO, on addition of MnSo4...
07 August 2023 7,321 2 View
1. Cultural security can be defined as the protection of a nations cultural tradition, against the "threat" of globalisation. 2. National security is the protection of a state's national interests...
04 August 2023 7,210 2 View
Dear Sirs, regarding to the full-text request of Jayasree Gopalakrishnan dated 26.06.2023 I can send it to her if you you give me his e-mail address. Moreover I do not want that the full-text...
17 July 2023 7,877 2 View
Citation guides assume one is engaged in contemporaneous research and has the luxury of fully documenting one's sources. But in the real world research foci shift over time and a passing reference...
13 July 2023 4,679 3 View
I am conducting research for my doctoral dissertation on the effectiveness of the US federal government's National Strategy for Financial Literacy of 2006-2020 at improving Americans' financial...
13 July 2023 5,189 2 View
Two things. How can I add another article to my profile; if so, how? I have published a book. Can I add that as well?
12 July 2023 7,023 1 View
Actually I need to do a research for my bachelor degree and I can't find any relevant issues. Can you help me.
10 July 2023 8,323 6 View
En un estudio que pretende determinar cuáles son las incidencias de la Investigación Formativa sobre la educación andragógica surge la interrogante planteada.
05 July 2023 6,094 0 View
Necesito microtomos para realizar cortes en hojas de Clusia para mi tesis, por favor si alguien conoce empresas que vendan estos equipos y empresas que vendan reactivos para tinción contáctese...
04 July 2023 1,382 0 View
Dear Colleagues It happens that while submitting a paper to any journal a preprint option is given. Preprint is not considered as published data but still, it can attract new citations. my...
29 June 2023 8,126 2 View
I am a beginner in this field and have read from papers that a stable baseline current has to be obtained, the MFC should start its operation in an open circuit potential (OCP) etc. How do I check...
02 June 2023 160 1 View
I have evolved a lignin/ ethanol/ water mixture with a ratio of 10:15:75, I am facing challenge to remove water from this mixture; pls suggest .
02 June 2023 797 0 View
Dr. Khalifa, Prof. Zou, and Prof. Soottawat in collaboration with Elsevier Publisher warmly welcomed all professional scientists to join us in this book proposal to write and/or suggest one...
22 May 2023 2,954 0 View
Hello everyone. I am planning to start working with open source CFD codes (in Windows, in principle). I am thinking of #OpenFoam or #SU2. Can anyone suggest which one is better (in terms of...
18 May 2023 6,522 6 View
I am trying to simulate a radiator fin on STAR-CCM+. I have read that to calculate the viscous and inertial coefficients, I need the inlet velocity and outlet pressure as boundary conditions. I do...
15 May 2023 5,779 3 View
Dear network. How to access "Research Spotlight" on one of my recently published book or article? Many thanks for any tips.
13 May 2023 4,525 1 View
Ethics approval for questionnaire validation study
12 May 2023 8,415 5 View
Just in case, here is a description of Researchgate's Research Spotlights feature
05 May 2023 8,237 1 View
Necesito saber información
24 April 2023 1,507 1 View