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Questions related to Applied Statistics
We have performed an experiment in which Daphnia were exposed to ammonia. We had three levels of ammonia namely acute, sub-lethal and chronic at different time periods, i.e., acute for one hour,...
07 July 2015 1,276 10 View
I googled polychoric and polyserial correlation and found they give us correlation between 2 underlying latent bivariate normal distribution. What information these correlation coefficients give...
06 June 2015 4,244 3 View
Hello everyone, bear with me as I have a few questions. I recently conducted a study (survey method) in two locations. They were conducted in two districts of a city throughout the day. The...
06 June 2015 9,715 12 View
I have a data-set about cities features like population, poverty, economic position, income etc. population, poverty and economic position are continues but poverty is based on a scoring. We have...
05 May 2015 6,466 8 View
Hi, I am in a project to identify some seqeunce motifs which found to be significant. And since the motif is too smal 3 mer length which is 'ATA'. To increase the sequence specificity I have...
05 May 2015 6,276 8 View
I want to calculate pooled genetic gain across 5 environments but trials across 5 environments are in different designs and different number of replications. So practically speaking I cannot do...
05 May 2015 7,675 10 View
I have a repeated-measures experiment with 3 treatments. One of the within-groups variables I've measured differs significantly over these 3 treatments and I wish to add it into further analyses...
05 May 2015 3,927 6 View
Dear all, ODA paradigm (Optimal data Analysis) can only be applied if the data point to the alternative hypothesis that there is a relationship between variables (Ha)? Please see the file attached...
05 May 2015 9,722 6 View
Why, in econometrics, survey statistics, and perhaps elsewhere, is the word "prediction" used to indicate a cross sectional estimate of the dependent variable, when it is therefore not a...
05 May 2015 1,647 8 View
I am trying to get two sample sizes (treatment vs. control) for differences in proportions (e.g. 80% vs. 70% of success), for non-inferiority and equivalence trials with R-package TrialSize....
04 April 2015 1,648 4 View
Nationwide Greater One Horned Rhinoceros (rhino) is counted in Nepal every 3-5 years. Rhino count is a big event in Chitwan. The whole rhino habitat divided into ~20 blocks and each swiped by...
04 April 2015 6,273 14 View
I am using multiple regression and i need to report the standardized and unstandardized coefficients, along with the standard error in APA format, but i have found the way only for standardized...
04 April 2015 1,850 5 View
My area is energy crisis. I have variables from power sector. data is limited from 2006-2013.
03 March 2015 8,500 3 View
I'm running a negative binomial regression. I found big differences in the results* if I compute with the 1) (for Stata) compared with negbin(MLE) glm….family(nbinomial ml)...
03 March 2015 8,226 3 View
How can one calculate the odds ratio for the following example in the attachments ? N.B . depression is the dependent variable and education is the independent variable
03 March 2015 1,786 7 View
As far as thermodynamics concern entropy is the measure of disorder of a particle and the organised things has less entropy than that of unorganised. but some one explain me what entropy actually...
03 March 2015 604 17 View
Hi, I am trying to analyse some qPCR data and I am having a bit of trouble. I am looking at change in gene expression of different genes comparing a drugged sample to an untreated sample. I have...
03 March 2015 7,719 7 View
Could anyone help me? I am trying to work out 95% confidence limits from annual survival rates of marine mammal populations?
03 March 2015 7,334 3 View
Is there any data base to get the figures of total NGOs operations worldwide? Can you suggest some references?
03 February 2015 1,633 5 View
I am working on a theoretical model to study the imbalances in the balance of payments of the Euro-Area. Following a Kaleckian perspective, my hypothesis is that specialization in the production...
02 February 2015 7,096 8 View
Topic of study is "An empirical study on factor affecting operational efficiency of commercial banks". So in our study we have taken 14 Independent factors and 8 dependent factors. Factors are as...
02 February 2015 5,245 4 View
EMG data processing.
02 February 2015 2,333 1 View
I calculated pairwise Dest values using SMOGD software (Crawford, 2010), but there are no associated p-values to determine significance. I looked a number of papers where they mostly don't state...
02 February 2015 4,049 10 View
Hi mates i´d like to why i have a 0.62 for my alpha (Standardised also). Is the problem in correlation or in Likert scale?
02 February 2015 6,446 10 View