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Questions related to Applied Statistics
I examine feeding behavior of an insect for several hours. One behavior is phloem ingestion. It has been postulated that the first instance of phloem ingestion is on average shorter than the...
11 November 2014 9,719 6 View
I have been working on sewage confluence zone and impact of anthropogenic activities of ganga river for the last six years. Now I have data on above and I want to publish it. I want to know about...
11 November 2014 7,770 14 View
My experience with regression is primarily with regression through the origin, not necessarily with one regressor, but let us consider that. This is generally the case when examining establishment...
11 November 2014 3,704 29 View
While estimating convergent validity, one latent factor gets AVE value less than 0.5. however, factor loadings gets values greater than 0.6 and model fitted well with fit indices. In this case,...
11 November 2014 1,248 7 View
The Number of testet individual will be 20 (intraindividual testing) and the data will be collected using a IGA score, which we still not know if it will go up to 5 or 7 scores. The average age...
11 November 2014 5,667 7 View
We are taking Advance Statistics this semester and our final project is to conduct survey about University-Industry(U-I) Collaborations and we are required to present recommendations based on...
10 October 2014 8,963 3 View
I want to know the how df and F values help in interpretation between group during one way ANNOVA analysis.
10 October 2014 3,148 4 View
Any random sample from a given population is supposed to carry a proportion (p) of information about that population. I suggest that the actual level of significance of a testing problem based on...
10 October 2014 2,124 4 View
Within the field of Geostatistics there is a pernicious and historic confusion concerning the terms variogram and semivariogram. While some authors employ such terms with caution in order to avoid...
09 September 2014 2,167 4 View
When doing habitat surveys by doing vegetation registrations for a given reptile it is important to also include vegetation registration for random points, this to do habitat selection...
09 September 2014 9,684 9 View
While testing moderating effect of a variable on the relationship between two variables using hierarchical regression analysis, the direct relationship between predictor and dependent variable is...
09 September 2014 6,996 5 View
I haven't been able to work out whether I should use a Generalised Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) or a Linear Mixed Model (LMM) for my analysis (2 time points with both continuous & categorical...
09 September 2014 6,466 4 View
When you enter the arena of grad education (master, phd) in the area of educational research, you are supposed to start understanding "advanced statistics", so far not many books show didactically...
09 September 2014 2,460 15 View
I am applying a kalman filter on an electric load but i don't know to how start please help me.thank you
08 August 2014 4,940 5 View
I am running mixed linear regression. We have a cluster based factorial trial with two interventions one is for mental development ((MD) and other is nutrition based(NT). Subjects are children of...
08 August 2014 5,677 9 View
Can we extract the answered questions from each one? If one of the question that may answered by the respondent, may consider as his opinion in that only a question? Witch statistic basics prove...
08 August 2014 6,785 3 View
I intend to aggregate two ordinal (or if easier an ordinal and a quasi-cardinal) variables – Can you suggest a sound approach? The context of the question is the analysis of the design of decision...
07 July 2014 8,748 1 View
I am doing a RSM (CCD) design to optimize my works based on the two response variables (Y1 and Y2).The Y1 is linear and the Y2 is quadratic. In this case, how do I optimize my works? I am...
07 July 2014 3,237 3 View
How to interpret the coefficient (beta value) and pseudo R2 (R squire) value in binary logistic regression?
07 July 2014 3,711 8 View
Can someone provide a detailed and well explained proof of laplace rule of succession. I am not from mathematics background, so few proofs use jargon that are difficult to understand. Is there a...
06 June 2014 9,221 3 View
I am doing structural optimization using a response surface method. My objective function is to reduce weight using the LS-OPT tool. I have done a total of 16 experiments. For each experiment, it...
06 June 2014 2,167 5 View
I m trying to apply "Dixon's up and down method" to determine mechanical pain threshold using Von-Frey filament on human individuals. According to the Dixon method: "EI50 was calculated by the...
06 June 2014 7,045 4 View
Anyone have the reference for logarithmic transformation for both dependent and independent variables on child growth (mixed effect models)?
06 June 2014 954 5 View
I guess time-series analysis can be also studied under the scope of statistical signal processing. Is this correct? Maybe someone could give me a hand in selecting introductory, intermediate and...
06 June 2014 5,290 1 View