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Questions related to Applied Statistics
I have the goal to cluster about 150 quantitative variables according to their correlations. I used hierarchical clustering and obtained a number of clusters (blocks with good significant level)....
23 March 2016 8,232 3 View
I will be collecting data on combinations of parenting styles (Parental Authority Questionnaire) and results from the DASS, and am looking to see if there are any relationships between particular...
23 March 2016 1,045 3 View
I am aware that non-standardised information is more important, but could someone shed more light on this issue? Why is that if two variables are brought to the common metric the significance...
22 March 2016 8,641 9 View
I'm running some regressing with a set of variables that are highly autocorrelated. Not surprising since one is an interaction term of the other. These are: effective number of parties (ENP),...
18 March 2016 970 26 View
I mean the mean and variance of the resulted Gaussian random variable??
16 March 2016 3,404 3 View
Hello,In my thesis I am researching the effect of the policy of the FED on the emerging markets in South-America (12 countries) from 2000 till 2014. The effect is measured in economic growth of...
16 March 2016 2,265 2 View
Hi, The cospectra values can be positive and negative. How can I plot the cospectra vs frequency on log-log scale? Is that correct: absolute (cospectra) vs frequency on log-log scale? Thank you.
11 March 2016 9,730 1 View
stpm2 trans1 trans2 trans3 age, scale(hazard)dftvc(3)tvc(trans1 trans2 trans3) initstrata(trans) eformERROR =option initstrata() not allowed
10 March 2016 9,950 3 View
I am trying to use the Stata kitchensink package for a model with more than 10 independent variables. Unfortunately, the package does not allow models to include more than 10 independent...
10 March 2016 9,701 3 View
In a cambridge hand gesture dataset, I am getting 100% accuracy using 10 fold cross validation? How should I confirm whether this prediction accuracy is correct?
10 March 2016 1,927 3 View
Hello all, I have two sets of data, lets say each one is a feature a sample space, and two-sample t-test revealed that they are significantly different. Can I use it as a good feature in any...
09 March 2016 7,753 10 View
I am trying to use the NIST statistical test suite. I have been pointed to the link below for the user guide. I am finding this (Chapter 5) very difficult to understand. Is there any video that is...
07 March 2016 9,857 1 View
Dear researchers I have some question about "Mardia’s coefficient" 1- How does calculate Mardia’s coefficient? 2- What is/are proper software? 3- what is the proper style to report it on a...
07 March 2016 3,142 8 View
I found statistically significant effect when age through Intercept was predicting alcohol problems. Std YX Estimate: 0.131 (sum of indirect) p < .001. Could someone explain what in practical...
03 March 2016 6,225 5 View
I have a case study with internal secondary data. However, all set of data is "top quality issues data" or "top warranty". Is it right that the only way to can I analyse these information is...
01 March 2016 4,492 2 View
Hi everybody,I am currently working on proliferation/metabolic assays using Alamar Blue (MTT, EZ4Y):We performed different substance treatments in 6 donors in 96 well plates. Each condition and...
01 March 2016 6,959 5 View
I am confused, do anyone know whether the random effects can apply continuous variables or only categorical variables? Thank you so much for your help in advance! Best, Tan
01 March 2016 10,032 14 View
Hi there, I am looking for some articles/advice how to tackle the common source/common method variance issue. We already conducted the study and we have been criticized for getting both iv and dv...
29 February 2016 4,610 2 View
Hello everybody, a colleague and me, we are working on an study that aims at analyzing (and rating) climate change strategies of companies and the interlinkages with companies' actual carbon...
26 February 2016 2,073 3 View
Hello, I am just wondering how can we decide what standard deviation is accepted for a speaking test? For example, if a test-taker scores 93, 92 and 92 respectively in three test...
24 February 2016 7,121 4 View
It should be easy to read for students, and include discussion of software. This will be used primarily with social sciences (mostly psychology and education) students.
23 February 2016 1,214 3 View
I have anthropometric data from 1300 students in age of 7-11 and want to calculate their growth z-score and percentiles, is there any software or method to calculate it? There is software such as...
23 February 2016 7,468 7 View
What do we mean by the FIRST ORDER EFFECT in optimization ans sensitivity analysis ?
22 February 2016 8,770 4 View
If the predictor cutoff in staffing changes, how does it affect the incidence of Type I (erroneous acceptance) and Type II (erroneous rejection) errors?
20 February 2016 450 1 View