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Questions related to Applied Statistics
In my phd thesis i found that the collected data are not normaly-distributed according to Kolmogorov–Smirnov test in Spss. So i tried to design the study model in SmartPLS witch allows me to know...
27 April 2016 265 3 View
I got non randomly distributed residuals even if the GOF was 0.9 ?
26 April 2016 7,337 3 View
If we write Sigma(n)/n = n^x (Sigma(n) is the sum of divisors function) it's easy to show that x is less than 1 and greater than 0, i.e. x belongs to the critical strip of Zeta function. Lets...
21 April 2016 1,730 2 View
I have tested my OLS regression residuals for GDP, Investment Consumption, Real Exports and CPI and found that the residuals are not normal. This is a violation of one the main CLRM asssumptions....
20 April 2016 8,988 8 View
My goal is to know the relation of two variables: Density and proportion in diapause. However, the complicated part of my analysis is that the proportion in diapause acts in two different ways,...
19 April 2016 7,448 4 View
In a spatial model for extreme wind speeds (2 sec gust) we get shape parameters between -0.9 and -1.5. Although achieved return values are very reasonable, the magnitude of the shape parameter...
15 April 2016 4,223 4 View
We could easily make a two-way anova to test whether there is an interaction between two independent variables, but it is advisable to do a bayesian inference when the p value is not so...
14 April 2016 9,348 3 View
I need to apply Brownian motion model for continuous character (wing length) and I apply the below code WL.BM
14 April 2016 3,281 2 View
Hi, I am analyzing temporal trends in parameters like the autocorrelation and the variance. I know that, albeit they are calculated for interval scaled variables, correlations are not interval...
12 April 2016 7,809 4 View
I am doing a trend analysis for vegetation dynamics using Mann-Kendall test for trend detection and Sen's slope for computing the magnitude of the trend. There are 6 sites inside a conservation...
11 April 2016 3,221 9 View
08 April 2016 8,517 3 View
Has anyone found a way to use rbounds and mhbounds in Stata with teffects? In particular, with nearest neighbor matching. What would one use for the weight and support variable? Is there a...
07 April 2016 8,725 1 View
I'm running a logistic regression test. On my first test, I've identified 6/7 significant explanatory variables. I then ran another logistic regression test with all the interaction terms. The...
06 April 2016 7,820 3 View
I have a dataframe in r with 16000 observation. I want to analyze the data with mod fit. So I have to save this dataframe as a FCS file. How can I save dataframe as FCS file?
05 April 2016 544 1 View
I intend to obtain kinship matrix from pedigree data through proc inbreed to be used as input to proc mixed in order to obtain additive genetic variance. The warning message is always "Individual...
01 April 2016 6,685 3 View
Is there a study which is using Poisson regression model because dependent variable is discrete( how many time health care services utilised in last month). I want to conduct the same study but on...
01 April 2016 4,363 8 View
I have had a statistical question posed, where the requester is looking to confirm or deny an association between three variables: 1) Paper score (0-100) [scale]2) Course Grade (A,B,C,D,F)...
30 March 2016 7,645 4 View
I know how to obtain the OOB error when using randomForests, but I am using cforest and varimp function in the 'party' package and can't figure out how to get the OOB error/prediction error.
30 March 2016 8,736 2 View
28 March 2016 6,570 3 View
I wish to compare the effetcs of cold water immersion and tepid water immersion for muscle strength, muscle size, pain and tenderness and Jump height against the baseline measures I.E. their...
27 March 2016 6,936 3 View
I conducted a chi square test using crosstabs i.e. (2x3 matrix of Gender x frequency of purchase) and found that there is a significant difference (p=0.037). Further I conducted a post hoc test...
25 March 2016 669 3 View
Good afternoon I was asked to calculate the effect size for some of data for which I ran a t-test. In short I looked at testis size between two non-reproductive periods (lets call them NR1 and...
24 March 2016 6,710 4 View
I surveyed ant community in more than five main habitat type of urban area. I want to test if the type of habitat influences ants Abundance and the number of species. Unfortunately, the sampling...
24 March 2016 2,011 3 View
Actually we have inflation and monetary policy index and want to estimate the response of inflation with the change in monetary policy? how can we estimate it, Thanking You All
24 March 2016 6,178 3 View