
I am in a project to identify some seqeunce motifs which found to be significant. And since the motif is too smal 3 mer length which is 'ATA'. To increase the sequence specificity I have extended the sequence length to 7 mer, baised 'ATA' in the middle. And the results we got seems highly significant from the consensus maps based on the count of repeats of specific motifs.

Right now I am in a need of defining statistical significance to those identified 7 mers. Which I suppose defining its p-value as well as z-score will be fair enough. I tried a tool 'RSAT oligo analysis' (http://pedagogix-tagc.univ-mrs.fr/rsat/oligo-analysis_form.cgi). It gave consistent results but only for 50 motifs.

Any suggestion of tools or how can I manage to do it manually if possible?

Attached the list of motifs identified.



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