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Questions related to Applied Statistics
At the following link, on the first page, you will see a categorization of heteroscedasticity into that which naturally should often be expected due to population member size differences, and that...
12 December 2015 4,092 9 View
the following excel sheet contains the data about number of hours of charging,temperature and discharging time
12 December 2015 2,065 3 View
I would like to systematically study the slopes of power-law frequency spectra, having multiple scaling ranges, but I cannot find any detailed analysis of the problem. I am not happy with...
12 December 2015 3,285 1 View
To measure what different groups think about the brand identity of a company, I asked three different groups to answer to what extend they agree or disagree with about 20 statements. (I used a 5...
11 December 2015 6,687 27 View
Are omitted variables a subset of lurking variables, where the word "omitted" is only used when bias is the focus? Or perhaps there is some other matter of context? I find I am not clear on the...
06 December 2015 456 3 View
Would the results from a likelihood ratio test with 0 degree of freedom not be interpretable? From what I understand, by definition when the degrees of freedom = 0, chi-squared = 0 thus making the...
23 November 2015 3,945 12 View
is it signal streght or what?
11 November 2015 7,418 0 View
Dear researchers, It is very urgent to know for me the basic difference between OLS and maximum likelihood method.
11 November 2015 4,478 9 View
Often, the distribution of some variants will vary with respect to time. Whether there exists some traditional method or function to measure how a collection of samples sampled in different times...
11 November 2015 3,315 2 View
Stepwise and hierarchical regression how would you explain in simple way the differences for students? Thank you
11 November 2015 8,766 7 View
Good day! I have a sample size of 76 youth and have been advised that LPA would not be good to use with this sample size in MPlus. Is there a recommended sample size for latent profile analyses...
11 November 2015 5,648 4 View
Dear all, I would like to have your opinion about this doubt that I have. Meta-analyses of observational studies are often rich of bias sources, but they offer a high number of patients exposed to...
11 November 2015 8,974 19 View
11 November 2015 9,166 6 View
10 November 2015 3,713 4 View
Imagine the following - having lines of Arabidopsis overexpressing certain protein I want to measure the activity. From one line I will collect leaves from several plants separately (biological...
10 October 2015 8,753 3 View
I was running some exercises on CFA using Mplus and tested two 2 factor models. The only difference was that i was supposed to treat variables used as continuous in one example and as categorical...
10 October 2015 1,652 5 View
Hello all, We have an enzyme that must follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics (we have an experimental way to avoid the inverse reaction), so we need to estimate initial rates at different initial...
10 October 2015 832 8 View
Now, I check the question about one hours and am very tiered to cancel some categories of questions such as the usage of SPSS, R, Matlab etc. If I need this situation, I ignore the questions. Tell...
10 October 2015 5,913 11 View
That is a question that some students are asking during the undergrad course. Thank you.
09 September 2015 6,536 15 View
I have data that represent some aspect of driver behavior. I want to cluster the set of data into behavioral profiles of some sort. Some of my variables are categorical and some are...
08 August 2015 5,515 10 View
We have recorded behaviours of animals for five minutes and have included an extra line at 5minutes to make sure that the output reads the last behaviour bin. However, JWatcher only produces an...
08 August 2015 8,014 0 View
Number of different missing-value patterns= 102 Effective sample size: 2653 Convergence of EM-algorithm in 6 iterations -2 Ln(L) = 220826.35091 ...
07 July 2015 7,969 5 View
Hello, all. I am from Control Engineering background and I want to learn about game theory in detail but I don't have much idea regarding the prerequisites needed for that. I have heard that some...
07 July 2015 6,028 1 View
Is there anyone who can tell when the settings are optimal in Bayestraits when using the bayesian option? I've tried different settings and noticed crazy high transition rate parameters when I use...
07 July 2015 7,236 1 View