43 Questions 71 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yovan Hendriek
Dulu di dunia game komputer saya tinggal di tempatnya Sanada Masayuki, Sanada Yukimura, (Musashi), tetangganya Satomi. Di masa itu ada juga Oda Nobunaga bersama Hashiba. (Owari), Takeda Shingen,...
27 October 2023 6,274 0 View
Apakah pernah ada penemuan dari unsur-unsur yang merupakan penyusun tubuh malaikat secara ilmiah ? Apakah malaikat juga tersusun atas unsur karbon (C), hidrogen (H), dan oksigen (O) ? Adakah...
12 September 2023 4,313 0 View
Apakah halusinasi auditorik merupakan faktor perancu (confounding factor) yang mengganggu jalur telepati tanpa teknologi ?! Tampaknya jalur telepati tidak menggunakan teknologi yang sama seperti...
12 September 2023 2,589 2 View
For example : from "Majapahit Kingdom citizens" became "Demak Kingdom citizens" suddently. Without adaptation or transition.
20 May 2023 5,334 2 View
Sebagai contoh, pada zaman dahulu misalnya 20 tahun yang lalu memang terdapat pohon jambu batu yang berbuah lebat ditanam di pekarangan rumah depan. Pada masa kini (memori terbaru), pohon jambu...
14 May 2023 8,848 1 View
26 April 2023 801 2 View
When we don't sleep for many days we can experience delusion. Is all of the delusion always patologis ? Is the different circadian rhythm from the normal human always categorized as patologis ?
26 April 2023 7,225 8 View
Is it possible that what is "delusion" is the real real, and the contrary what we sense from panca indra actually just the illusion of our strange world. Although many strange fact also already...
26 April 2023 7,452 0 View
Sometimes maybe we have experience see the ghost or "feel" it. How to differenciate whether it is just a delusion or it is the real ghost ? It is possible that what we feel as ghosts actually are...
21 April 2023 8,874 3 View
When the blood hematocrit high flow across blood vessels, the vein valves must be faster opened to avoid coagulation and thrombosis because of its sticky. How to make the vein valves can open fast...
01 April 2023 2,369 0 View
We know that one of thyroid functions is for regulation of our body temperature. When winter already come and fuel are not available because of war impact, could we use any substances to increase...
31 March 2023 4,980 3 View
From the history we know that when Kusno was a child, he was usually sick ("uncureable"). After that his family did such kind of procession and changed his name became Soekarno. After this event,...
28 March 2023 1,604 0 View
Every places have their atmosfer, different from one place to the others places. The atmosfer felt in Musashi is different to the atmosfer of Owari. What happen when a person experience two places...
20 March 2023 270 4 View
There are many sounds around us everyday everytime. Such kind of sound we feel connected to and compatible for us. The other ones we don't realize and not connected to us. What factors determine...
09 March 2023 306 4 View
There are twelve zodiac validated for us. Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, etc. But why Orion not included as our Zodiac ?! In the not cloudy night we often find and see even without any devices...
28 February 2023 819 0 View
How do you explain about NATO to a child who doesn't know about NATO ?
24 February 2023 2,083 1 View
There are many kind of emotions in our world. Beside basic emotions like happy, sad, angry, fear, etc. Each culture also has their special secondary emotions that other universal cultures don't...
23 February 2023 1,812 24 View
Beethoven although has deafness he can arrange spectacular musics. How is the way he knows his own musics ? Translation from proprioception function memories into temporal lobe of his brain...
09 January 2023 2,172 2 View
We can hear ourselves talking (not through mechanism must come from outer auricula sound waves length frequency). Is it true ?! Not categorized as auditory hallucination, can hear something...
08 January 2023 5,264 1 View
We know that many elderly persons already difficult to hear voice or sound because of their hair cells in organon corti degenerate caused by aging process. Is it possible that radio sound "be...
08 January 2023 1,447 1 View
From research literature, we know that Snellen chart has many flaws as an optotype. Many literatures recommend LogMAR system with SLOAN letters as the Gold standard for examination of visual...
09 October 2021 3,125 12 View
Sometimes when I am thinking about visual system, my memory also "connected" to my friend who is cardiologist. we know that at visual cortex there are area V1 V2 and so on. In cardiology we also...
07 July 2021 2,903 3 View
Where is the position of electric element ? Nervous system is one of the very important element too in our body. The presence of Kation and Anion also indicate that Yin and Yang concept exist. Is...
27 May 2021 7,655 9 View
Will Angel Moroni Statue stand on a ball fallen if it is true that our earth is always moving and rotate like the scientist said ? Do Bishops, Majesty Pope, Qualified monks also feel that our...
18 April 2021 9,891 13 View
For example : a girl according to her intuition gives a man white rose in order to protect that man from demon attack. Of course that man will be surprise and feel confuse not understand why that...
15 April 2021 9,223 11 View
Sometimes when I already feel very tired and stressful, I pronounciate neologism that I don't know its meaning. But after I say that "word" I feel that my mood become better. I pronounciate it...
11 March 2021 4,806 4 View
What is the difference between "color" and "colour" ? If we use references from these two kinds of spelling, which one must we choose? Is it possible if in an article there are not consistent in...
10 March 2021 9,428 5 View
Imagine that you are a father that only has one wife, but you have so many females children. Eight girls and only one boy in the middle of his sisters. As a good father, how would you educate them...
31 December 2020 10,041 3 View
Some governments of world countries maybe have very high target for their researchers to immediately find out "best vaccine" in a very very short period. But we know that researchers are also...
15 September 2020 5,050 2 View
For teological practition like Bishop or Priest maybe it is not difficult to differ the message from God or just a delusion and hallucination. But how about common people that they maybe don't...
30 August 2020 3,949 15 View
Are there any approaches through chemical reaction to neutralize meconium in baby airways whose suffer meconium aspiration syndrome ?
15 July 2020 2,439 0 View
All of us know that USA is a big and very powerful country. I feel afraid that Its influence can make Asia countries broken become many small countries that can't feel peace and happy. The...
09 December 2019 4,890 2 View
When the baby feels discomfort (crying), its mother can do skin to skin contact (or do bonding attachment) to make the baby feels comfort (tidy). How is the pathway from the stimulation of the...
26 March 2019 1,675 1 View
I am one of lecturer in a midwifery campuss located in Kubu Raya, Indonesia. My academic ability and my campuss capability also still below standard if compare to others campuss. Our government...
27 January 2019 8,163 4 View
What must a midwife do when she find acute appendicitis case in pregnant woman? That woman can be at trimester I, II, or III. Is it different treatment among those three trimester?
23 August 2018 4,456 1 View
When we close our eyes, some of us maybe don't have any sensations for their visual function. But for the others they can "see" (visualize) any objects or visual modalities like such kinds of...
17 June 2018 9,659 3 View
Our campuss library has many books about pharmacology. But it is very difficult to find topic about pharmacology for pregnancy, laboring, puerperium, and so on. We know that many emergency...
09 March 2018 8,431 6 View
When we look at someone's photo (especially his/her face), we can have any feeling. Maybe we can feel happy, sad, angry, like, dislike, love, peaceful, joyful, fear, and other feeling/ mood. We...
15 August 2017 2,477 4 View
Many patients from our provinces (West Borneo) go abroad to threat their illness each year. A lot of them go to Kuching's hospital, because of the quality is better there. But the patients must...
16 June 2017 5,574 10 View
West Borneo is geograficly has many isolated rural areas that are difficult to be reach because the infrastruktur still bad (road, vehicle, etc). In placenta previa (totalis), West Borneo still...
04 June 2017 6,965 4 View
There are many kinds of leadership in the world. One of them is servant leadership. What do you think about servant leadership today ? Is it appropriate to uncertainty situation and crowded...
01 January 1970 3,078 9 View
Our world has many kind of languages. Some languages have important contribution for our lives. For example we can learn a lot of sciences and technologies transfer from that language. But the...
01 January 1970 4,714 3 View
Setelah ajal datang menjemput, dan seandainya bisa memilih, Anda memilih tinggal bersama siapa ? Apakah di tempatnya Santa Theresia, Santo Antonius, atau bersama yang lainnya ?
01 January 1970 1,649 0 View