99 Questions 71 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vladimir Farber
Golang is relatively new language and I am not familiar with him (but I'm considering whether it's worth learning in the future). It is interesting, for each applications it can outperform...
11 November 2018 6,139 0 View
Deep Learning became very popular theme in many research areas so I think it worth investing in learning this tool. The open question is which programming language is better for this aim and why?...
11 November 2018 1,090 1 View
I am not familiar with Python(but I want to learn it), for image processing purposes I am use MATLAB and it is usually enough for me. For which image processing purposes Python can have advantage...
10 October 2018 7,163 20 View
Which is the best image segmentation technique that you can recommend? Please give references and links on the relevant MATLAB code implementation. Thank you in advance!
07 July 2018 9,166 5 View
Can anybody explain in the simple form why the blood of the relatives is not recommended in the case of the autoimmune hemolytic anemia? Thank you in advance.
09 September 2016 9,983 1 View
From the literature absorption of single mono layer of graphene is about 2%, when using the calculation based on model of Beer-Lambert for gold or silver the obtained result is also about 2%. From...
08 August 2016 6,174 5 View
Can someboddy explain this from the physical point of vew? Thank you in advance.
04 April 2016 6,132 1 View
Does somebody know a way or devices, which can help to do that? Thank you in advance!
01 January 2016 6,343 2 View
Which objects with narrow reflected wavelength range can you recomend (and give references/links why you desided that these objects have narrow reflected wavelength range). I need this information...
11 November 2015 2,768 4 View
For simulation I need connect few figures in the GUI, but when I open second GUI from the first, for example by adding the function gui2fig=open('secondgui.fig') in pushbutton's callback function,...
04 April 2015 7,542 3 View
I need describe the light propagation through lens which is slightly rotated around y axis (as shown in figure below), can somebody give relevant references and explanations how I can do that?...
03 March 2015 6,859 4 View
I want start using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the MATLAB, since I think that it can be very useful in performing simulations. Can somebody give relevant links/references/video lessons....
03 March 2015 2,836 2 View
Which one of the optical resonator configuration shown in the figure is the most popular in lasers? I want better understand this subject. Thank you in advance!
02 February 2015 9,700 8 View
I would like to expand knowledge in this field. Thank you in advance!
02 February 2015 7,688 5 View
My research based on Integral Imaging, but, until now, I mainly dealt with the theory. For my practical experiments I need the lenses array. Can somebody recommend companies that produce the...
02 February 2015 6,306 6 View
How does nonlinearity change the width of the pulse (expand or shrink) in time domain, and how does the dispersion change the width of the pulse (expand or shrink) in time domain? Thank you in...
02 February 2015 6,496 12 View
Compressive sensing approach became very popular in different fields, mainly in the optics (I have this opinion since I am from the optics). In which other fields, except optics, used compressed...
01 January 2015 7,310 8 View
Since the question "Which researcher has the highest RG score, and what does that really mean?" is asked Then the other interesting question is "Which researcher has the highest Impact Factor?"....
01 January 2015 1,523 13 View
If I have two layer thin film, for example the first layer is Si and the second layer is some other layer and I want change following parameters of this second layer :1) Real part of the...
01 January 2015 3,621 5 View
I performed some lab experiment related to thin films, but for analysis of the results I need to know few parameters describing the Titanium Nitride which I cant' find. So, the questions are:1)...
01 January 2015 904 2 View
I want to know, if I have additional options to represent light propagation. Mainly to describe imaging process. Relevant references are welcome. Thank you in advance!
01 January 2015 2,440 14 View
I need help with this (seemingly simple) task. Mainly I need identify distances between peaks of some measured signal and I know a priori that its behavior must be sin/cos function, but on the...
01 January 2015 8,783 7 View
I performed some simple experiment with the microscope with different objectives(each one has different N.A.), and now I try understand physical size of the field of view and can't understand if...
01 January 2015 6,297 11 View
I want to better understand this model, and its practical applications. Thank you in advance!
01 January 2015 1,312 1 View
I want understand, how differently polarized light influence on the hologram quality. So, if there are differences, what are they? Thank you in advance!
01 January 2015 7,495 2 View
I want better understand this subject. I have a few questions about it? In which cases it is preferable to use matrices of Jones, and in which cases it is preferable to use matrices of Stoces to...
01 January 2015 8,601 6 View
I want understand does tilt aberration cause (or may cause) the Coma aberration under certain conditions. Thank you in advance!
01 January 2015 5,230 7 View
Can somebody explain in the simple words what are the physical reasons for the formation of the Distortion aberration? Why in some cases created Barrel distortion, in other cases created...
01 January 2015 1,762 9 View
I want better understand this problem, and understand how I can compare simulation results with real data.
01 January 2015 9,137 5 View
I want better understand its principle work and its practical applications. So I have few questions about it: 1)What are the applications of the Shearing interferometer?2)What are the advantages...
01 January 2015 7,614 0 View
I want better understand spectral filtering and multiplexing processes. Which spectral filters are you know and can recommend? What are their advantages and disadvantages in relation to the...
01 January 2015 8,636 3 View
Can somebody explain meaning of this term in simple terms and give equation describing it? Thank you in advance!
01 January 2015 913 5 View
If your mother tongue is Russian, the grammar of which language will be the most difficult for you? If your mother tongue is English, the grammar of which language will be the most difficult for...
12 December 2014 10,125 5 View
Most of the simulations I perform in the MATLAB, so I always must evolve in this field. I am mainly interested in the books describing the implementation of the Imaging (3D imaging, Hyperspectral...
12 December 2014 1,430 1 View
Since compressed sensing is developing area, then, there is growing number of algorithms and I would not want to miss the best one (as of today). Relevant references and links on the MATLAB code...
12 December 2014 7,470 4 View
If we want to compare the Curvelet transform, Wavelet transform and Fourier transform, in which cases it is preferable to use the each one of them? Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 6,662 12 View
What should be done during the day for this? Each researcher (and no matter in which field: optics, engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, biotechnology and etc.) would like to have...
12 December 2014 3,419 3 View
What purpose does the Noiselet transform serve in image processing? If we want to compare the Noiselet transform, the Curvelet transform and Wavelet transform in which cases it is preferable to...
12 December 2014 6,627 0 View
As researchers (and no matter in which field: optics, engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, biotechnology and etc.), we want to achieve the better results. Does the presence of the...
12 December 2014 9,342 7 View
In the case of the opto-acoustic, is the aqoustic velosity constant for a given medium and not dependent on the frquency of the aqoustic wave? Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 2,000 6 View
As is well known, the right-handers mainly use the left-half of the brain, and the left-handers mainly use the right-half of the brain. So, what is your opinion, who is the most successful in the...
12 December 2014 9,571 3 View
12 December 2014 3,438 1 View
Samson's strength was in his hair. What happening with the researchers? Does the bald researchers are more effective researchers? How the presence or absence of hair affects the activity of...
12 December 2014 9,226 0 View
I want better understand behavior and physics of the refractive index of the different materials? In which range of the wavelengths, we expect to see abnormal behavior of the dispersion in the...
12 December 2014 2,618 4 View
Academic life consist of two main components: teaching and research. If you a MSc or PhD student it is also has element of learning the courses. Can you recommend, how correctly divide time in...
12 December 2014 4,780 0 View
Which superresolution techniques do you know that are used to obtain resolution which is better than that allowed by the diffraction limit? Are these techniques taken into account the aberrations?...
12 December 2014 4,569 4 View
I want understand, what are the main differences between all these dispersion models, which one is the most precise? In which case? Are there other more innovative and advanced models? Relevant...
12 December 2014 7,139 5 View
I want better understand the physics of the nonlinear optical processes. If we want to achieve the phase-matching condition in the sum-frequency generation (SFG) using the uniaxial crystals which...
12 December 2014 9,135 0 View
Most of the material which we need to learn and understand (and no matter in which field: optics, engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, biotechnology and etc.) is in English and...
12 December 2014 4,328 15 View
As a researchers (and no matter in which field: optics, engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, biotechnology and etc.), we want to feel the satisfaction from our work. What outcome...
12 December 2014 2,202 1 View
How often you recommend update the time work plan in order to be a most effective? Once a day? Once a week? Once a month? Please explain your answer. Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 4,504 0 View
Can you recommend other options how I can perform separation of the light into different wavelengths? That can help me in my research. Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 10,077 6 View
I am mainly interested in the understanding the techniques used for this and in algorithms for recovering the occluded objects from the acquired data. Can somebody recommend relevant references?...
12 December 2014 10,039 4 View
If it is possible, can anyone suggest an experiment which can allow understanding if laser is based on 3 level or 4 energy level model? For example, for LASER Nd:YVO4. Thank you in advance.
12 December 2014 4,386 7 View
I would like to expand knowledge in this field. Mainly I'm interested in the applications of the Compressed Sensing in the optics. Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 7,382 4 View
Now I do course in nonlinear optics I would like to improve intuition and knowledge in this area. For this can be very helpful to solve many problems. Can somebody give the the set of the...
12 December 2014 1,616 1 View
I would like to know what is being done in this area to understand if that can be relevant to my research.Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 620 3 View
12 December 2014 2,555 3 View
Linear canonical transformation is the useful tool for the light propagation description. When we prefer to use it for light propagation description? And when we prefer not to use it?When it is...
12 December 2014 8,312 1 View
Can somebody explain in the simple terms the physical meaning of the MTF?How does a turbulence in the air (atmosphere) affects on the MTF?How does the optical aberrations affect on the MTF?
12 December 2014 6,722 7 View
Most of the simulations I perform in the MATLAB, so I almost not familar with LABVIEW, but It is a tool that can be very useful. I am mainly interested in the books describing the implementation...
12 December 2014 6,256 8 View
If we want to perform imaging without lenses, which additional options are we have(not including holography)?
12 December 2014 8,282 3 View
I would like calculate the number of the different complex numbers that we need in order to describe the general interaction for the fourth and fifth order nonlinearity, how I can do that? How...
12 December 2014 6,756 0 View
Which one of this techniques will be dominant? Or there are other rivals to this techniques?Thank you in advance!
If I need perform some experiment, where I need to use beam splitter, but I don't have it. Is it possible to construct something what can be used as beam splitter?
12 December 2014 1,064 8 View
Is it possible to print with their help the optical elements? For example lens from the plastic? The relevant references and links are welcome! Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 7,452 4 View
If we use the lenses array for the imaging, the small images the more distant from the center are more suffer from the coma aberration. How I can reduce this effect? Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 2,057 5 View
I want understand if I will be able to improve these properties of my imaging system. Relevant references are welcome. Thank you in advance!
12 December 2014 203 4 View
My research is around 3D imaging. One of the techniques of 3D imaging is Integral Imaging, but I do not have practical experience in working with lenslet array and with reconstruction of the 3D...
11 November 2014 1,103 0 View
Often, I need write optical simulations in the MATLAB. Often, If I do not touch the MATAB code, that I wrote, during the several weeks or more I do not recognize it, and sometimes not even...
11 November 2014 5,741 8 View
If I have some symmetric vector, representing radial distribution of data (the Line Spread Function (LSF) of the optical system, in my case, and a priori I know that PSF has circular symmetry),...
11 November 2014 9,595 3 View
Since my native language is Russian, all studies (in the school and university) took place in Hebrew, and now I need write optical scientific/engineering papers on the English, as a result, often...
11 November 2014 5,597 16 View
In our research work we need not only read high amount of papers, but also write many papers. As a young scientist, I don't have much experience in writing of the scientific/engineering papers as...
11 November 2014 1,334 25 View
As researchers (and no matter in which field: optics, engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, biotechnology and etc.), many of us are most of the time dealing with research work, and...
11 November 2014 3,750 16 View
11 November 2014 3,441 16 View
During the research work we must read many scientific/engineering articles in which a huge amount of information is compressed into a few pages. After short time, I already not remember what I...
11 November 2014 8,215 29 View
An important part in the activities of scientists in all fields (optics, physics, computer science and etc. ) is a teaching, when you have to stand in front of many students and explain something...
11 November 2014 6,691 5 View
My research is around 3D imaging, but my knowledge limited by techniques such as holography which I met in the daily life. And as a result, often I didn't notice the technical innovations...
11 November 2014 528 2 View
I want to know it in order to perform the lab experiment. Can anyone give a simple explanation and recommend a relevant reference or link. As the laboratory instructor I also interested to perform...
11 November 2014 10,034 2 View
If we look into the past we will see that the path we have passed is possible to pass much more efficiently. This statement is true in general and in our research work (and it is not important in...
11 November 2014 1,020 11 View
I met an explanation similar to what appears in "Nonlinear optics" of Boyd 2ed., but I do not understand physics behind the symmetries. Can somebody explain in the simple words the physics behind...
11 November 2014 8,616 6 View
Since conventional optics does not always work in the range outside the visible light (UV, IR) , it is very interesting how 3D imaging can be applied in this range. Can somebody give relevant...
11 November 2014 3,547 7 View
Since in the near future I will be a laboratory instructor, and in this lab there are many experiments which are not related to my research field, therefore I am experiencing difficulties to...
11 November 2014 3,511 1 View
I am interested in the methods to reduce the speckle noise in acquisition stage, but I am also interested in the speckle noise reduction in post-processing stage. Do you have any references?
11 November 2014 8,130 12 View
11 November 2014 5,481 9 View
In all literature describing aberrations which I met, I usually saw their relation to the Zernike polynomials? Is there are other methods describing aberrations with the same efficiency?
11 November 2014 752 3 View
I have a few clarifying questions, that I want to ask: 1)Which exactly aberrations can be measured by Hartmann-Shack sensor? 2)If there are differences between aberrations which can be measured if...
11 November 2014 1,499 14 View
In one of the courses I met the Hartmann-Shack sensor, but I want to extend the knowledge about it in order to understand whether it can be used in my research. For which aims the the...
11 November 2014 8,927 3 View
I need to do course in nonlinear optics. Material of the course based on "Nonlinear optics" of Boyd 2ed. and all equations in CGS units. Can anyone recomend other books on nonlinear optics in CGS...
11 November 2014 4,465 12 View
I want to understand differences in the construction, and understand for which purposes it is preferable to use the inverted microscope and for which purposes it is preferable to use upright...
11 November 2014 1,479 4 View
For performing correct simulation in MATLAB, which signal will represent a more correct version of acquired data: Do I need to add noise before quantization of the signal? Do I need to add noise...
10 October 2014 646 9 View
In my research, I want to perform a simulations of the 3D imaging process. Mainly, acquisition of the different perspectives of the 3D object, but I'm having troubles already in the initial...
10 October 2014 6,030 3 View
In my research, in MSc, I dealt with compressed sensing approach. In order to recover the desired signal from the acquired signal, I used a solver that performs minimization of the object function...
10 October 2014 253 1 View
With which aberrations have you encountered in the three-dimensional imaging and how they have been improved? Due to the fact that now my research is based on Integral Imaging (or Plenoptic or...
10 October 2014 9,673 0 View
I'm mainly interested to understand in which fields integration of this kind is already used and how it can be performed, that is how we can simultaneously acquire the hyperspectral and 3D...
10 October 2014 5,108 8 View
I begin PhD studies and my research based on integral imaging. As a part of my research, I want to perform simulations of the Integral Imaging (II) process. For this I need mathematical...
09 September 2014 407 3 View
In may calculations I used the spot size calculated in the Zemax as a resolution limit. Does it is really good criteria for this if the influence of aberrations must be considered? Can somebody...
09 September 2014 615 8 View
Needed for calculation of minimum spot size in visible light. Can somebody recommend how to choose?
09 September 2014 2,757 9 View
For example, if I have in matlab matrix of form [A*B;A*C;A*D] how I can check if it represents the result of Kronecker product?
09 September 2014 4,511 6 View