34 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vinay Kant
We have evaluated the wound healing potentials of different compounds at particular concentrations in laboratory animals. Now, we want to move in the direction of drug development for some topical...
01 January 2020 7,235 1 View
We want to determine the antioxidant effects of our prepared formulation of nanoparticles by DPPH method. Our formulation is having some col and different excipients/vehicles. Please also tell how...
10 October 2019 9,369 2 View
I am interested in assessing the expression of some growth factor (e.g. TGF-beta 1) or other marker (e.g. PCNA, CD31). I want to know the difference in term of significance for assessing the same...
03 March 2018 6,827 3 View
I want to measure the % wound contraction from the data of wound area by using Wilson's formula. Can anyone provide me the formula and reference for this formula?
06 June 2016 6,401 0 View
I want to mix two and more than 2 herbal drugs for the preparation of herbal formulation. Can anyone suggest or provide me the PDF file of books on herbal dose selection, their standardization in...
05 May 2016 4,388 0 View
I am interested and doing research in the field of wound healing and want to explore this area for the development of wound healing formulations faster healing. Can anyone suggest or provide PDF...
05 May 2016 6,948 1 View
Citrate buffer is used for dissolving the streptozotocin for diabetes induction. Is the tri-sodium citrate used for tie preparation of citrate buffer?
04 April 2016 8,527 2 View
I am using DMSO as a vehicle for dissolving the drug for the the topical application on wounds. Dose anyone have observed the adverse effect of DMSO on wound healing or other side effects?. What...
04 April 2016 4,210 5 View
I want to disolve drugs in DMSO and want to apply them topically on wounds, but some researchers have pointed me that it is cytotoxic even at lower concentration i.e. 10% or more. Can anyone...
04 April 2016 1,360 8 View
I have prepared some plant extracts in different solvents and among them methanolic extracts are showing best in-vitro results for antioxidant potentials. Now, I want to feed or administer these...
02 February 2016 9,916 4 View
I want to purchase Anti CD31 antibody for rat from Genetex for IHC-P. I want to know the performance of antibodies of this company. If anyone has tested, please give the suggestions.
10 October 2015 3,829 1 View
I have prepared solutions of different concentrations of the same nanoparticles in DMSO and I am evaluating their antibacterial potentials. I want to know the stability time of these solutions....
06 June 2015 2,251 6 View
I have images of wounds and I want to measure the wound area. Can I measure this area with the help of Image J software? If you know, then please guide me.
01 January 2015 7,498 3 View
Blotting the same membrane for two different protein saves the time and cost. There are many ways of doing this either with stripping or without stripping. Which is the better approach and can we...
01 January 2015 9,568 3 View
Selection of membrane is very important for expression of proteins with good quality in WB. So I want to know the best membrane and its supplier so that good results can be obtained.
08 August 2014 4,276 11 View
I want to make a lysis buffer for the lysis of skin samples. What should the composition of this buffer be so that my proteins will not be degraded by the proteases?
08 August 2014 5,736 0 View
I want to purchase the prestained protein marker for the WB for my proteins of interest (size of my proteins vary from 12-100 kD). So, can you suggest me the company which provide the good quality...
08 August 2014 6,474 8 View
I want to purchase Trizol or Ribozol for RNA isolation from skin tissues. Can you suggest a company that provides good RNA purity. What is your opinion on Trizol from Tacara or invitrogen?
08 August 2014 5,896 7 View
I want to purchase the PCR Master Mix for my research. Can you suggest the type of PCR master mixture I should use and which company/brand provides it at suitable cost. Does anyone have experience...
08 August 2014 8,472 8 View
I want to purchase the monoclonal antibodies of VEGF, TGF-beta1, α-SMA and β-actin against rats for my research. Can you suggest the company/brand whose antibodies provide good results? I have...
08 August 2014 7,224 3 View
Determination of protein concentration is very important befor loading the samples in wells. So, can you please tell me the most effective and easy method by which protein can be quantified in...
08 August 2014 4,651 11 View
I am doing estimation of different antioxidant enzymes and evaluating the oxidative stress in adrenal gland in different toxicities. So, can anyone tell me the normal levels of total protein and...
08 August 2014 959 2 View
I want to measure the total protein and reduced glutathione in adrenal gland of rats. So, can you tell me the normal levels of total protein and reduced glutathione in adrenal gland of rats
08 August 2014 9,089 1 View
As quercetin is not water soluble and rapidly metabolized, I would like to know the suitable vehicle/solvent for quercetin so that it can be effectively used for topical use with better efficiency.
06 June 2014 2,830 2 View
Sometime we test a drug in vitro for evaluating its anti-apoptotic effect or antibacterial effect and that basis we can calculate the IC50. Now, can we use this information in calculating the...
04 April 2014 5,817 7 View
i am working on the expression of some growth factors, i want to know the accurate and best method to calculate the relative mRNA expression of a target gene (VEGF) among three groups (1 control,...
12 December 2013 3,497 11 View
In RT-PCR for mRNA expression study, we take the equal amount of RNA for this, but some researchers, on their personal experience, take equal cDNA instead RNA. So, which is better and more accurate?
12 December 2013 4,438 9 View
Nitrofurazon is more active at acidic pH, but it is used in combination with urea for prevention of uterine infections. The urea increases the pH of the environment, so I want to know how the...
12 December 2013 10,002 0 View
In diabetes vascular occlusion is present, which interfere in the healing process and delay the wound healing. I want to to know that why which method (any special staining protocol) it is...
11 November 2013 8,536 0 View
Streptozotocin injection produces diabetes within two days, but this is considered as acute diabetes. I want to know that after how many days these streptozotocin injected rats can be considered...
11 November 2013 9,415 2 View
The values of drug dose and response are converted to log values to plot in the dose response curve, so that best interpretation can be drawn. Why is it like this?
11 November 2013 3,346 9 View
In our lab, we purchased the primers and primary antibodies for the bovine fibroblasts, but now want to conduct the experiment in buffalo fibroblasts. Can we use the same primes and antibodies?
10 October 2013 9,035 2 View
Reverse pharmacology and forward pharmacology are two approaches to drug discovery. I want to know the clear and simple difference and which is better among these.
10 October 2013 842 14 View
Increased formation of fatty connective tissue in the healing tissue of cutaneous wound in diabetic rats has shown decreased formation of granulation tissue in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
08 August 2013 6,784 1 View