18 Questions 47 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mona Ellaithi
Dear all, i am looking for a list or suggestions for biomdical jurnals that can publish for free or waiver publication cost for authors from low income countries. I know about the BMCs but I need...
05 May 2019 8,921 4 View
Hello everyone, I would like to use RFLP to detect specific SNP. I would like to selelect specific enzyme that cuts in certain nucleaotide using NEBcutter but I do not know if I did well using...
11 November 2018 5,771 0 View
Hello all, I am using panel sequancing and I found a homozygous mutstion in cyp21A2 gene. I did sanger but couldnt find this mutation. I think there is a possibility that I sequanced pseudogene....
10 October 2018 2,931 0 View
Dear all, Now a days there are too many bioinformatic tools and sftwares freely available on the net like SIFT and Polyphen. These tools are able to predict the effect of specific varaiant on...
10 October 2018 714 2 View
Dear all, I would like to know if there is anyone who know a research group or a paper on mouse modeling studying insl3?
10 October 2018 8,838 0 View
Hello everyone, I am working on some SNPs and mutations and I would like to have good prediction tools. It is easy to find bioinformatic tools for SNPs prediction but I couldn't find prediction...
07 July 2018 3,353 0 View
Hello everyone, can you please recommend good books for biostatistics for both beginner level and a little advanced level? I also would like to have or advice for a good satistical progams that...
04 April 2018 343 7 View
Hello everyone, we extracted SNPs from dbSNP then we retrived the protien sequance from Uniprot. Then we submitted the amino acids changes corresponding to the protien change to proiect HOPE...
03 March 2018 1,551 1 View
Hello every one, I am looking for a bioinformatic tool for protien stability prediction. Can you please suggest for me? or provide me with links? Thank you
03 March 2018 5,672 5 View
I would like to know the wild type and mutant type allele of rs1344706 but some time I find it A/C and some times I find it G/T. Is this has anything to do with NCBI assay ID? Will a SNP has the...
03 March 2018 1,775 5 View
Hi everyone, I need to know what is the molecular weight of hpv e6 and of scribble protiens and e6 of HPV. I also would like to know if there is a simple data bases that can help me find data...
06 June 2017 2,915 3 View
Hello everyone, in one of my studies which included 71 cases and 71 controls, we tested the association of specific type of diet with cancer. The P value was 0.035 and OR 95%CI 0.44(0.20 to...
01 January 2017 3,931 22 View
Hello everyone, I am looking for a bioinformatics tool or a database that is commonly used for prediction or annotation of SNPs that are in linkage disequilibrium. Is there any one who can help?
07 July 2016 3,668 3 View
hello every one. I a, looking for a diet scale or a measurement for dietary intake. Can any one provide me with a link or information? thank you for your care
11 November 2015 2,681 0 View
We have both paraffin- waxed tissue samples and blood from patients We would like to know what is the best method to use for the analysis of EBV?
10 October 2014 2,011 4 View
I would like to detect human papiloma virus (all types) using PCR. I would like to know if there is anyone who has experience and knows what is the best method for detection of hpv in blood.
09 September 2014 2,508 9 View
I am looking for a publication (preferably a metanalysis) on BRCA1/2 SNPs found in specific ethnicity. Can any one help me with that, especially those working with breast cancer?
08 August 2014 578 3 View
My question is: if I have a common polymorphism in a gene that is highly correlated with the phenotype, how do you think one polymorphism can affect? OR Could accummulation of polymorphism...
01 January 1970 1,655 1 View