33 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Md Badriadib Aldrin Suhaini
how do you develop an operating envelope for a solar compressor? what data I need and how do I know the operating envelope would be "perfect"? I have never done anything on operating envelope,...
05 May 2017 6,527 1 View
how do you reflect on a book? I usually just close the book and give some thoughts to it but i feel like its not effective way to reflect by just giving thoughts. What are your suggestions? How do...
08 August 2016 9,243 4 View
I would like to say thank you to all of you who have helped me so far with my thesis on the movement and concentration of suspended particles in the nodal planes of an ultrasonic standing wave...
06 June 2016 8,786 1 View
I have finished my literature review and I have finished the draft of my numerical simulation(or you could say my own project). What is left is to 'beautify' my dissertation more. How do I get a...
05 May 2016 3,586 2 View
The y-axis shows the mass fraction of the suspended particles and the x-axis shows the length of the cavity. When x = 0, that is to the left end wall of the cavity, when x = 21, that is at the...
04 April 2016 7,913 2 View
Why is it that in the middle there are no standing wave field?How will the particles move when the standing wave field is only on the upper and lower of the cavity?
04 April 2016 4,743 5 View
As you can see from the attached diagram, the particles are concentrated in the nodal planes at 0.008 s. But at 0.1s, the particles are not as concentrated in the nodal planes as at 0.008 s ( i.e....
04 April 2016 4,509 9 View
As you can see from at 0.013 and 0.02s,the 2D plot graph does not show any changes but from the 1D plot graph, it shows changes. Why is that so? Both plot shows the changes to the mass fraction...
04 April 2016 9,099 2 View
I have attached two diagrams, one is for an extra-fine mesh and the other is for an extremely fine mesh. I am using PZT-4D and my suspended particles are polystyrene particles in water. The...
04 April 2016 4,649 3 View
I only know that for steam regeneration, I need 3 to 5 kg of steam per organic removed. But what about nitrogen regeneration? How much flow rate or mass is needed per organic removed?
04 April 2016 4,890 3 View
I downloaded this from TIGG.com, they are selling the Nixtox Box Adsorbers. I am using this for my module. I just want to know from the diagram, are there 6 adsorbers in the Nixtox Box Adsorbers?
04 April 2016 7,842 2 View
Hey all,In my thesis, I am modelling an ultrasonic standing wave that is produced from a Pz26 transducer. The ultrasonic standing wave field will be used to separate the suspended polystyrene...
03 March 2016 6,036 0 View
While doing the simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics V5.2, I found that there were errors being plotted (for my case, it was from Convergence plot 1 and 2 I think).I would like to get this graphs for...
03 March 2016 7,116 0 View
Can you please list them out?
03 March 2016 424 0 View
Which physics is better to model the dispersed particles in the continuous phase?Diffusion of particles or the Euler-Euler model, laminar flow? Please give me your opinions on their pros and cons...
03 March 2016 3,045 1 View
The wavelength of a standing wave is measured by 3 nodes or antinodes.Half a wavelength if it is 2 nodes.How do I calculate its wavelength in COMSOL?
03 March 2016 9,775 0 View
I got an error stating that the residual error was grater than my relative tolerence. The residual error was 2.2e+3 if I remember correctly. Can I adjust the relative tolerence in my frequency...
03 March 2016 450 12 View
What would happen if I set a wall as sound soft boundary wall condition and an acceleration boundary condition?Is it okay?
03 March 2016 3,244 3 View
In my comsol simulation, I am trying to form an ultrasonic standing wave field, hence the study that I am using is the frequency domain study. The resonant frequency of PZT-8 is 960 kHz. While...
03 March 2016 1,737 3 View
Would anyone share?
03 March 2016 6,627 1 View
I heard from my supervisor that engineers are supposed to work 56hrs/week. I am astounded by that total length of time because I can only study (not work) around 35hrs/week. During this university...
03 March 2016 6,508 2 View
I have two questions: 1) As you can see from the diagram I have attached, there is a line from the first fixed bed being connected to the second fixed bed. There is also a connection from the...
03 March 2016 1,360 1 View
That fluid is in laminar flow. But what does it actually mean when it's viscosity is higher than it's inertia?Viscosity is the resistance of the fluid to flowInertia is the state of fluid of doing...
03 March 2016 9,306 6 View
I am confused between those two. Are they the same? are they used for industrial applications such as its use as a particulate filter for vapor phased carbon bed adsorbers?
03 March 2016 1,561 0 View
For research purposes. Do you know any website that give a range of manufacturer's data for a range of unit operations?
03 March 2016 4,654 2 View
Does anybody have any paper on the physical properties of the feedwater? I am trying to find it for my course assignment. It is already entailed that they want us to know how to design a plant...
03 March 2016 4,761 2 View
My supervisor told me that to have a good mark on thesis, I must know how to analyze a result and look at its problem and make a good written report. He told me that there are some people who have...
03 March 2016 3,723 2 View
I am studying a book titled "Microscale Acoustofluidics" so that I could understand more about my thesis on the formation of ultrasonic standing waves that causes acoustophoresis. I am in need...
02 February 2016 5,645 4 View
How do you calculate the stiffness matrix [elasticity matrix] of an anisotropic material using COMSOL?
02 February 2016 3,932 1 View
Hey,During my second semester in UNSW, I have studied CHEN6706 Advanced transport phenomena. In the module, we also study how to use COMSOL Multiphysics V4.3b or a, I think. I have some basic...
02 February 2016 3,822 0 View
Is there a way to calculate a sound velocity mixture of a solid-liquid suspension?I am modelling a fluid domain where the continuous phase is water while the dispersed phase is polystyrene solid...
02 February 2016 3,673 2 View
Would anyone recommend me any books like Microscale Acoustofluidics? It helps me understand the use of ultrasonic standing waves to separate suspended particles.
02 February 2016 2,755 2 View
hi, I am modelling an ultrasonic standing wave field acting on suspended particles in a continuous medium. I am just curious. Do the acoustic radiation forces act on the continuous medium too? For...
02 February 2016 200 4 View