31 Questions 26 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manish Joshi
1. There is much greater concentration of K+ ions inside the cell than outside, why then is the resting membrane potential always negative? 2. If you poison a neuron with a metabolic inhibitor...
10 October 2015 4,298 2 View
Hello, I am curious to know the biochemical reactions of CoCl2 that mimic hypoxia. Is it that CoCl2 can bind any ubiquitin enzyme which regulates their degradation?
12 December 2014 882 4 View
Hello, I am getting nonspecific bands in HIF-1alpha blot. Can any one suggest why and how I can improve this? I am using the following conditions Cell: HCT116 Gel: 8% Blocking: 5% non fat milk...
11 November 2014 4,935 5 View
Hi, I want to induced hypoxia in cancer cell lines to check regulation of VEGF signaling components. So is there any simple way to induced hypoxia in breast cancer cell lines like HCT116, MCF7 or...
10 October 2014 4,835 7 View
Hi, I am purifying proteins for crystallization, but sometimes they precipitate and degrade. What are the tips and precautions I should take during purification and storage? Is there any...
10 October 2014 760 14 View
Hello, I want to know that how to check sensitivity of PCR ?
09 September 2014 291 8 View
I am searching literature about Drosophila mutant identification. can anyone suggest me books or papers related to Drosophila mutant identification and their maintenance...? I also need previous...
09 September 2014 8,218 4 View
Why are tumor suppressor proteins down regulated in cancer cells even they are not mutated. Can some one explain signaling for this down regulation of tumor suppressor protein with any example or...
09 September 2014 4,864 4 View
I want to culture Fusarium oxysporum. Can anyone provide me detailed protocol for Fusarium oxysporum culture?
03 March 2014 10,092 13 View
Or is brain function a biological phenomenon? My other question is whether consciousness really exists in brain or is it a product of brain activity?
02 February 2014 8,782 46 View
What are the physiological, biochemical and evolutionary reasons for humans to be ureotelic not ammonotelic or uricotelic? Are there some reviews for this clarification? Thank you
01 January 2014 3,471 6 View
Anyone can suggest that how to read research article and review with proper understanding, because whenever I am reading articles I do not understand properly. Should I read some related...
01 January 2014 10,014 6 View
I am always confused with the definition of genome. Can anyone clear my confusion by giving correct definition of genome, and reference for that definition?
01 January 2014 8,919 18 View
If a segment is deleted from a paternal chromosome it causes Prader-Willi Syndrome but if same segment is deleted from maternal chromosome it causes Angelman Syndrome. What will be the results if...
12 December 2013 5,098 2 View
How Seymour Benzer denoted the term cistron? What cistron stand for? Does cistron related to cis-trans experiment?
10 October 2013 421 2 View
What are the other unusual properties of glycine and proline?
10 October 2013 399 5 View
Are twins different from clones or are they the same at the genetic level?
10 October 2013 5,122 9 View
I am confused among these terms. Can any one explain with common examples?
10 October 2013 9,352 1 View
What are hemizygous and nullizygous? How they present on chromosome and what are their effect?
10 October 2013 241 6 View
As we all know calcium concentration is important in cytosol for regulating many cellular functions like activation and inactivation of many transcription factors like NFAT and many other...
09 September 2013 1,200 10 View
How does DNA polymerase discriminate during replication between dNTPs and NTPs when the presence of NTPs is ten-fold higher in the cell?
09 September 2013 3,863 3 View
I'm always confused between these three terms. Can anyone clear my confusion with examples?
09 September 2013 5,808 22 View
How are the two different from each other?
09 September 2013 426 2 View
I am always confused between these two terms. If they are different, which boundaries make them different?
09 September 2013 2,632 8 View
Can anyone tell that how many labs in India are using Optogenetics as a tool?
09 September 2013 3,811 2 View
Can anyone tell me about what are the ethical issues in Human Neuroscience studies. Which are Drugs we cannot use? Which are parameters we can use to study Human Brain?
09 September 2013 3,932 3 View
What is the quantum yield of photosynthesis and how can we measure this quantum yield? Can anyone explain?
09 September 2013 6,634 4 View
Hi, I wanted to know about all the vector used to deliver foreign gene for microbes, plants and animals. which site would be comprehensive for me to know about their origin, construction, their...
08 August 2013 5,303 3 View
05 May 2013 6,958 1 View
Hi, What is the run off transcription assay ? Can anyone provide me protocol for this assay ?
05 May 2013 7,754 1 View
Can anyone suggest which is the protocol for DNA isolation of nucleo cytoplasmic large DNA viruses
02 February 2013 2,934 1 View