42 Questions 63 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mahbobeh zamani babgohari
I am gonna do some analyses / detection on plant secondary metabolites (Terpenes and mostly volatile ones), Was wondering which method might be more beneficial- GC-MS-EI or CI? In most recent...
10 October 2019 2,514 2 View
I need to convert my fasta format alignment file to "Nexus.nxs" to be able to use it in Mybeys. What is your suggestion? So far the files I created using Mega x as well as an online database...
10 October 2019 564 1 View
I have built a tree of my interest but MEGA X displays an error when saving the image as PDF file! I was wondering how can i save/ copy the tree into a word file. Thanks all
10 October 2019 4,301 5 View
Is anyone can help in how to install trimAL on windows 10? I am gonna use the software for trimming of my aligned sequences. It seems the software does not get installed in my system! Any idea...
09 September 2019 4,278 3 View
Dear researchers, I am going to fix my virus like particle sample using negative staining. However, the grids i have are only formvar without carbon coated. Do you have any idea what difference it...
11 November 2018 5,949 7 View
Dear Researchers, I have ordered oligose which should be annealed together for cloning/ ligation experiment. They are 66 in length and stickiy ends using two different restriction enzymes. The MW...
07 July 2018 9,970 4 View
Dear All, I recently have a problem with my SDS-PAGE running. After staining with Brilliant blue and de-staining, I see that the proteins have not been run until the end of the gel. I increased...
05 May 2018 4,386 13 View
Hi all, Iam expresing a virus capsid protein in e.coli. I need an optimised protocol for isolation virus like particles from e.coli cells. Using ultarcentrifugation I have a protocol but usually...
05 May 2018 8,287 2 View
I am fusing small peptides around 10 to 30 a.a into the C-terminus of a larger protein. The question is if I need to design specific antibodies against those small epitopes? I actually have two...
05 May 2018 1,739 2 View
Hi all, I am looking for some papers/ publications where a Hepatitis A vaccine has been tried or made in any plant. To my knowledge, There are not that much study on plant based vaccine against...
02 February 2018 2,661 1 View
I have cloned my gene of interest into pET29c, and sequencing verified it too. I used a c-terminus his-tag in my insert. However, when i do induction (1mM IPTG, Over night at 28C), I see a band...
01 January 2018 7,826 9 View
Dear researchers, I have coloned my gene of intetest in pET29 and confirmed it by digestion and pcr from the miniprep. Interestingly, sequencing failed when i use my primers. However, it reads...
12 December 2017 2,919 6 View
I am using a plasmid which is been in a Dam- strain of E.coli. I am thinking if Dam negative strains are not recommended for long term storge, then should I transform it in a Dam + strain or...
11 November 2017 6,562 2 View
Hi everyone I was wondering might it happen that e.coli lose an insert even if there is not even few freezing and thawing? How come? Thanks alot.
10 October 2017 2,267 6 View
Hi all, I am using pET29 expression vector,and use NdeI and KpnI restriction sites as well as XbaI for my fusion protein. The question is if I can use the his-tag of the vector for further...
08 August 2017 1,847 6 View
Dear researchers, Expressing my protein of interest in E.coli,I want to use a centrifugation method to purify the protein; I think that way, based on my protein density I will be able to purify...
06 June 2017 1,582 8 View
I was wondering if any one has done any experiment to identify fucosyltransferase gene expression level in any plants? If so, as it has a role in cell wall biosynthesis do you think it will be...
01 January 2016 1,787 0 View
Hi, I do need a protocol to isolate the cell wall of tobacco cells growing in suspension culture. The isolated cell walls are gonna be used for polysaccharides determination. Any idea is...
07 July 2015 4,138 3 View
Hi, To screen different organelles in the cells, I am using CFP markers in agrobacterium based on the following protocol http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v1/n4/abs/nprot.2006.286.html. So,...
07 July 2015 9,613 6 View
Hi, abiotic stresses change the water balance in apoplast and symplast. However, in one defensive mechanism osmoprotectants can compensate this problem. My question is how this disequilibrium...
06 June 2015 3,931 0 View
To calculate growth index, I am using the below formula for Dry weight of the cells. W (final)- W(initial)/ W(initial) However, the resulting number is high almost higher than five. I was...
06 June 2015 3,967 1 View
Hi, I want to determine the sugar composition and protein content of the cells; as there are different methods to do that, I would be grateful if you suggest your preference methods according to...
05 May 2015 9,308 4 View
DAB staining has been used for hydrogen peroxide detection in some tissues like leaves. I want to test it on the cells to see if it can find ROS activity. However, the protocols/papers are...
04 April 2015 2,210 0 View
Hi, I am using DAPI for screening the nucleus in a tobacco cell line. However, when looking at the cells under microscope, DAPI is visualized mostly in the membrane and somehow in cytoplasm other...
04 April 2015 7,671 5 View
This is a matter of question for me that if we want to screen the cell response to a treatment in a short time, what cells are suitable? I am talking about plant cell lines. However, it might be...
03 March 2015 6,666 4 View
I need some information about corn (zea mays) cell lines. How do they grow? Are they fast growing cells? How often they need sub-culturing, etc?
02 February 2015 4,580 8 View
For the cell culture, I am using tissue culture plates; I just noticed that the ones we received recently have this label'' Non tissue culture treated plate''. Is there sth related to evaporation?...
01 January 2015 4,300 14 View
I am using the seaweed extract, extracted by alkaloid method, as a cell treatment. The problem is that although many literatures suggest that it helps the growth, I don't see it on my plant cells....
01 January 2015 2,944 5 View
Is that the process of taking images different in epi-fluorescence microscope? which one is more advantageous for cellular biology? regards,
12 December 2014 8,543 5 View
To do TEER analysis, I am a little concerned that whether or not I can measure it because my cells are not adherent and don't grow in monolayer form. They are suspension. However, every paper I'm...
12 December 2014 9,915 4 View
I'm using 96 well plates for my cells and want to measure cell number, viability, dry/fresh weight, etc. in them. I need to let the cells grow for a week but do you think it's possible to measure...
12 December 2014 3,695 3 View
I am not quite sure that if I don't deactivate trypsin what is going to happen to the cell suspenssion. Apart from serum which is being suggested for deactivation, what else could be used for this...
12 December 2014 8,192 4 View
I dissolved PEG 8000 in water (670mg/ml). I need to filter it for further use in the culture, but it's kind of gelatin; seems impossible to filter. Can I autoclave it? What concentration you...
12 December 2014 3,446 10 View
Since my cells are growing in well plates and I have only a limited amount of the cultures, let say100/1000 microliter there, it seem the conventional method of dry and fresh measurement is not...
12 December 2014 346 2 View
I plan to measure residual conductivity of the cell culture as a parameter of growth. However, not quite sure how to do it exactly. I would be appreciated if you share such protocol, text ,etc in...
12 December 2014 5,041 3 View
I used several methods for breaking them from each other but none of them worked. For drawing growth curve I need to be able to count them every 13h,but the way they are together makes it hard for...
11 November 2014 8,794 6 View
The cells I'm working with (BY2 and NT1) are clumpy and they don't leave each other; for using hemocytometer many times they can't pass through the cover slip so that many stay just behind it....
11 November 2014 540 9 View
I'm studying yeast, and am using a PAD agar media ( Invitrogen,cat no. 100005423 lat no. H11-52). According to its protocol, after adding 900ml of deionized water and autoclaving, I added 100ml...
11 November 2014 3,135 4 View
Do you think is it acceptable to have the cells start growing on the plate after couple of weeks?
10 October 2014 6,879 4 View
Although this is a common belief that BY-2 cells are fast growing cell lines, in my own experiment they don't seem to be as fast as I expect. Thus, I decided to change the medium; right now I use...
10 October 2014 1,948 6 View
When using the supplement materials into the LS (linsmaier and skoog) medium, I would be thankful if you please let me know that if you autoclave the supplements along with the other components...
10 October 2014 6,176 1 View
The media will be a suspension culture.
09 September 2014 7,766 5 View