34 Questions 150 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Imrose Bin Muhit
[SOLVED] I am looking for an old thesis, which was written by L. R. Baker in 1981. I wonder anyone has the softcopy of this thesis paper? Ref: Baker, L. R. (1981). Flexural action of masonry...
08 August 2018 3,525 3 View
For any given Finite Element Analysis (simulation) it's essential to define each part of the geometry with one or more elements depending on the types of structures and analysis. As far as I know,...
02 February 2018 1,602 4 View
Stochastic finite element modelling is a widely used FEM. I want to know details about it. Can you please help me to provide some basic discussion and study material regarding stochastic finite...
09 September 2017 4,352 1 View
I tried to download the ABAQUS v6.14 SE from from official website (3DS Academy) by using my school id. However, after downloading when I was installing, it showed that, "File is Corrupt". I check...
03 March 2017 10,151 2 View
Can anyone please suggest few research paper which include the numerical modeling of masonry veneer wall and cavity wall under seismic and wind load? Please don't answer if you are not sure about...
03 March 2017 8,129 1 View
To model wire mesh of the ferrocement in ABAQUS, may I consider wire mesh same as concrete reinforcement model?
03 March 2017 5,828 6 View
To define the strain rate effects in the input file of LS DYNA, we need to plot LCSR (Defined curve for Strain rate). The curve can be defined by plotting a curve of "Scale factor for the yield...
11 November 2015 2,865 1 View
Due to impact load there is a deformation in specimen and I need to calculate the energy absorbed by the specimen (aluminum foam). I have mass and velocity of the striker, deformed volume of the...
10 October 2015 6,888 4 View
I want to know the maximum strain rate limit for closed cell aluminum foam, beyond this limit there is no strain rate effects to aluminum foam. That means, on which range of strain rate exhibits...
10 October 2015 3,625 1 View
There are some journals which is not SCI indexed but published from some good Universities throughout the world. I want to know the impact and quality as well as comment of specialist about those...
06 June 2015 9,467 5 View
I am confused about one journal that, there is any chance or not to accept my paper. That's why if I want to submit one manuscript in two journals simultaneously, what is/are the problem(s)? And...
06 June 2015 7,192 2 View
I am interested about some international online based training program which are free. Is there anyone who can suggest me any website or organisation who provide free training program in the field...
06 June 2015 7,222 2 View
At online there are multiple SEO tools available to check the Plagiarism. But I want to know which Plagiarism Checker Software is good and free for use. Any suggestion please?
05 May 2015 9,186 1 View
In ANSYS Workbench, there is an option to add "Automatic Mass Scaling" at Analysis Settings of ANSYS Mechanical. What is the significance and advantage of using it?
05 May 2015 10,035 1 View
I don't want to do auto Mesh, because auto mesh doesn't coincident nodes at contact interface. I would like to generate mesh like figure. Can you help me in this regard, please?
05 May 2015 4,505 6 View
At online some Masters and PhD dissertation may available about "Impact/Dynamic Test of Aluminum Foam". Do anyone have any idea, on which dissertation I can find out elaborate research review on...
05 May 2015 3,865 0 View
I heard many criticism about LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG. Moreover, the company has a gaggle of “acquisition editors” who search the web all day and night and then send spam...
05 May 2015 5,030 2 View
Dear Researchers, can anyone give me any idea about the good and informative book about 'Impact Engineering'?
04 April 2015 4,368 2 View
I need to solve some higher order matrices like 6x6 or 7x7. Can anyone please suggest me an user friendly software, which is easy t handle and control.
04 April 2015 2,722 5 View
I know Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (Springer) is SCOPUS Indexed. But what about the impact factor and its reputation?
04 April 2015 4,042 4 View
Index Copernicus is a Poland-based company that offers several services related to scholarly publishing. One of their products is a journal rating system, and I am concerned about the methods they...
04 April 2015 9,230 0 View
I can do some user control meshing in Abaqus, but not enough experience for ANSYS workbench. So, I would like to do same type of meshing format at ANSYS which I did at Abaqus.
04 April 2015 4,356 12 View
By ANSYS-LSDYNA I am trying to simulate the Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) test. Can anyone give me details idea, about what kind of contact I have to define between Striker Bar and Incident...
04 April 2015 2,369 2 View
For Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar test simulation by ANSYS Workbench, what type of 'Contact' I have to define between "Striker Bar" to "Incident Bar", "Incident Bar" to Specimen and Specimen to...
04 April 2015 7,466 2 View
I am doing the software simulation of Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar test simulation by ANSYS. In this regard, I need some help.
04 April 2015 4,632 14 View
I draw a model at ANSYS Design Modeler. And save it as an IGES file. After import this IGES file to LS-Prepost, how can I properly mesh it?
04 April 2015 4,584 3 View
I don't need the ANSYS Workbench meshing User's guide. I already have it. I need the workshop and lecture file of "Introduction to ANSYS Workbench Meshing".
04 April 2015 1,795 3 View
Can anyone please give me a step by step procedure to check "Velocity and Location of the Striker Bar after Contact" for Split-Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) test by using ANSYS- LS DYNA?
04 April 2015 9,986 2 View
After finishing Questionnaire Survey, I want to analyse all data and to generate graph and table for it. Which software is really user friendly and free to use?
04 April 2015 3,485 11 View
I want to publish some of my conference paper as Journal after adding some new information. Can anyone suggest some good Journal (free of cost) who publish the conference paper. My conference...
04 April 2015 1,618 0 View
In developing countries, undergraduate science students are less interested about research. How to make them more passionate for research. What's your opinion.
04 April 2015 2,307 8 View
I found two conference papers in online published with some authors, they used (copied) my data and just rewrite many paragraphs of my paper, directly. But they didn't cite my paper as well as no...
04 April 2015 6,783 11 View
I am trying o do the simulation of SHPB (Split-Hopkinson pressure bar) test by ANSYS-LS DYNA. How can I calculate the deformation or aspect ratio (length/diameter) change?
04 April 2015 9,752 3 View
Hello, I am looking for a research partner who has ample experience in the FE modelling for structural retrofitting with any commercial software and has access to it. You need to conduct series of...
01 January 1970 3,932 6 View