55 Questions 441 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Daniel Martinez Krahmer
In machining, what would be the way to obtain deeper plastically deformed surface layers depending on the geometry of the cutting tool? What material would help to obtain deeper layers?
30 August 2023 8,532 8 View
Excuse me Sirs. I found a formula possibly called Konig's formula to determine the force in an AWJC process. Is the following: F=0,5*phi*alpha*pressure*dn*dn Where alpha = contraction...
04 July 2022 9,159 0 View
I need to know if exist some correlation between the work hardening calculate; 1) by the tensile relation Ultimate Tensile Strength / Yield Strength obtained from a tensile test and 2) the...
23 December 2019 8,352 4 View
If you have a laser cutting machine that can cut a steel sheet up to 10 mm thick, is it possible to cut a 20 mm steel sheet in two consecutive passes? If the answer is yes or no, why?
23 October 2019 3,341 2 View
Hi people. I have a question please. After produce a connecting rod by hot forging, there is a process named as splitting process of big end of connecting rod by notches obtain by laser. In this...
23 May 2019 7,410 0 View
Hi people. I need that someone explain to me, how is possible to obtain the relation kGauss=4/pi in TEM00 laser beam power distribution? This value is a number that represent some geometric...
26 April 2019 2,037 0 View
Hello people. Can you explain to me what is the best way to minimize the white layer in penetration electrical discharge machining, please? What do you think? Is it necessary to use two different...
27 November 2018 3,241 6 View
Please. I need to know what level of hardness provide a equilibrated behaviour between wear resistance and toughness. Also, if a ionic nitriding treatment reduce the friction factor between the...
21 November 2018 6,992 1 View
Some people say that the risk is bigger when the chip particles size are 500 micrometers or minus? What is the reason of this size?
24 August 2018 2,994 0 View
Hi People. Please, I need to know which is the best material to make the guideline plate in a hot rolling grinding ball machine. Here the is a link to see the...
24 March 2018 9,891 5 View
Hi People. In this moment we made cold compression testing over cylindrical steel bar. Some of you know if exist any paper, any book that analyze the uncertainty sources that affect the geometry...
17 February 2018 1,309 2 View
Hi friends. I need to know your opinion about WHICH and WHY are ALL the parameters that influence the toughness of a steel.
19 December 2017 5,955 3 View
Hi Friends. I need to know which is the methodology to establish the hot forging temperature range for a especific steel. Not all the steel are in the manuals. For this reason, not always people...
18 December 2017 9,009 2 View
Hi People. I need information about how is the influence of phosphorus and sulfur content over steel toughness? Some paper, please?
14 December 2017 4,063 4 View
Hi Peolpe. I need information about hot forging temperature range and also of quenching and tempering temperature range for SAE 1080 steel.
02 December 2017 6,542 1 View
Hi People. I need information about the safety (hand saw break) problems caused by handsaw blades made in High Speed Steel, and also if there is any standard that say that this blades produce more...
04 July 2017 1,327 2 View
Hi People. Someone know what type of material is used for dies in hot stamping process? Is necessary to preheat the dies? How is the cooling system over the die to quenching the parts?
04 July 2017 2,303 2 View
In mining industry, to transform stone in dust is neccesary to use steel grinding balls in mill equipment. I need an standard and/or procedure to make the Drop Ball Test (DBT)in forging balls?
21 February 2017 1,654 4 View
In mining industry, to transform stone in dust is neccesary to use steel grinding balls in mill equipment. I need an standard and/or procedure to make the volumetric hardness testing in forging balls?
20 February 2017 8,953 5 View
Hi Peolpe. I need information about these standards. These standards speaks about an "Load test procedure for stamping machines"?
17 December 2016 6,918 3 View
Hi people. Surely is a rare question, but I need to know which is the cost in dolars or euros, for measuring roughness (for example, Ra parameter), in differents places in the world over a...
14 November 2016 2,533 6 View
Hi People. I need information about if exist an standard test to evaluate motorcycle body under static, impact and fatigue load. Can you help me? If any of you have a digital document, it would be...
16 September 2016 6,249 3 View
I make this question because simulation casting software need this value, and also I know than speed influence over casting defects and mold wear?
22 July 2016 6,733 3 View
One method for making blockers is using a rolling forging machines?. Another methods please?
22 July 2016 825 0 View
Hi People. Recently we make experimental process cooling of a titanium Gr2 tube. The tube dimensions were: external diameter 170mm; internal diameter 65mm and 200mm of heigth. Then, we make an...
21 July 2016 7,629 6 View
Hi people. Wich is the methodology to measure the hardness variation from ambient temperature to high temperature? I know diagrams about it, but I dont know how is possible to draw this?
31 March 2016 4,927 6 View
In steel forging, if the blank is more time at forging temperature in the induction heater, the size of grain increase. So, which are the differences in mechanical properties and microestructure...
17 March 2016 3,245 3 View
Why is posible to heat aluminum blanks in induction furnace, if the aluminum in not a ferromagnetic material?
17 March 2016 7,542 6 View
Hi People. I need information (an numerical value), about the maximun mechanical resistance of an SAE / AISI H13 tool steel with a hardness of 42-48HRC. I want to compare this value with values...
28 December 2015 10,112 4 View
Hi People. Someone know which are the details of the working kinematic principle of a Pfauter gear conventional machine, please?
01 September 2015 9,598 2 View
Hi People. Someone knows which is the maximun preheating temperature in forging and casting metallic dies? I saw an paper where in forging titanium alloys the preheating is 800°C? This temperaure...
16 August 2015 332 4 View
18 June 2015 5,661 4 View
Normally, in milling processes concordance is better than opposition. Why in frontal milling with ceramic inserts the performance of inserts is better in opposition than in concordance?
27 May 2015 3,359 6 View
Hi People. Someone knows a detail from the advantages to use ramp milling? In relation of the tool: what type of specific design / shape / geometry the tool must be have? Which is the maximun ramp...
24 May 2015 2,041 1 View
Hi People. Does anyone know details about the advantages of using trochoidal milling for making slots?
24 May 2015 4,727 5 View
I'm looking for a table that show the normal tolerances for the differents metallics manufactures processes? For example: machining, forging, casting, stamping?
02 May 2015 2,032 4 View
Hi People. Someone knows standards or another information about geometric and dimensional tolerance of aluminum tubes mades by hot extrusion? Thickness, straightness, external dimensions? And...
22 April 2015 9,998 2 View
This type of aluminum has natural aging? In this case, in what time change hardness significantly and in which quantity?
22 April 2015 9,600 8 View
I need information about the different types of cast iron materials. Mechanical properties, and types of parts made by each type of cast iron?
17 April 2015 8,839 5 View
Someone have a table with solidification shrinking percentage for differents casting materials please?
17 April 2015 5,945 5 View
Hi people. Dr Tomov from Bulgaria has develop a formula to establish if is necessary or not a preforming steps for make a part with hot forging close die process. Someone has resolved cases to...
31 March 2015 4,639 2 View
Someone knows which is the relation between the mechanical strength of flash in hot forging dies and the type of forging steel, the forging temperature, the internal pressure die, the flash shape...
31 March 2015 1,690 0 View
Given the fragility of gray iron, how is possible to improve the surface finish, if during cutting chip seems to be torn from the cutting surface?
18 March 2015 785 6 View
Quality bolts have thread rolling. Is normal use to this bolts steel with 0,2%C alloy with low boron to improve quenchability. The thread rolling is better if the necking obtain in tensile testing...
04 March 2015 1,080 1 View
In hot forging the design of flash is critical. I wonder if is posible to reduce the die cost making some shape of flash than can reduce forging load and die wear?
24 February 2015 1,006 1 View
There are many papers that study the performance of cutting tools made with high speed steel, with and without cryogenic treatment. But, what type of micro-structural modifications produce the...
14 January 2015 9,704 3 View
The literature says that behaviour can be contractive or expansive. Which is the truth? Will it be possible to control this behaviour? How? What new possibilities to casting does this situation offer?
11 January 2015 6,278 4 View
We have problems with the geometry of internal turning of aluminum casting pieces. If possible to give me some information about this type of problem?.
18 December 2014 6,065 2 View
What are your opinion about how is the manner to improve the precision of internal turning in aluminum casting pieces?. Cutting parameters, type of toolholder, geometry and grade of hard metal...
18 December 2014 2,944 11 View
Ductile iron has good mechanical properties. In some cases pieces made by casting of ductile iron replace forging pieces. What are the reasons to forge a casting piece? What happens to the cost of...
13 December 2014 7,490 3 View
Grinding ball is an spherical piece of hardened steel. Are use in the minning industry in ball mills for grinding mineral.
23 November 2014 4,544 3 View
I know that differents shapes for the flash channels exist that designers use in hot forging dies. Can you give me information about this?. Thank you.
27 October 2014 3,116 3 View
We need some references on how to improve hot forging processes with software simulation. Particularly in cases where the initial material cut is excessive and the process makes great perimetral...
26 October 2014 1,548 9 View
Most forgings use induction heating to carry the material at forging temperature. This is the best method for this task. Someone people said that the principal disadvantage of this method is that...
21 October 2014 6,548 3 View
Someone can give me an idea about which values are recomendables for cutting speed, and tooth feed for milling UHWMPE polymer when using uncoated solid carbide tools?
01 January 1970 481 1 View