23 May 2023 6 2K Report

Recently I am stuggling to improve the kinetics of an artifical enzyme. I expressed this enzyme in E.coli and then test it's kinetics properties.

I noticed that if I pick single conies for testing, there will have a variation in both reaction rate and maxium reaction. indicating in fig.1 (the y axis represent the product that have been formed and the x axis represent the time in seconds.) 4 different conies have been picked and they all contain the same plasmid that transfection at the same time and same procedures. However there is huge differeces in the reaction rate and maxium reaction.

Then I wonder if it's due to the different conies would fold the protein differently, so I did another test by add multiple conies (actually all conies on one dish) into my culture medium. And then I test this mixed enzyme with different substrate concentration to test the affinity and kinetics at the same time. fig.2 (different color represent different concentration; the dash line represent a Imaginary limitation)

The problem that makes me wonder is that: what might be the reason for this reaction have a rate limitation?

I have few hypothesis about this phenomeon:

1. based on the Imaginary rate limitation; there might have steric effects preventing the binding of the substrate. (but I don't have see enough enzymatic reaction curve that have steric effects)

2. based on the varation between conies; this artifical enzyme might have many different ways of folding (I mean this enzyme would have many different prefered structures in different bacteria cells). maybe bactria from the same coniey would prefere similar stucture? and some stucture have better enzymatic performance, others do not.

I am really appreaciarte your reading and would be very happy to receive any response.

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