Hello everybody!

Not long ago I learned to do SDS-PAGE and Western-blotting, these methods are still quite new for me. I noticed a peculiar detail about my recent blots: the molecular mass marker is seen on the membrane after its staining with antibodies, and it looks negative: like the background of the lane has proteins and the bars are protein-free. The other lanes on the same membrane are stained normally, so it probably can't be due to improper blocking. (See the pictures attached as examples). This whole pattern repeated several times. I've already asked some of my colleagues who are more experienced, and they didn't know how to explain this.

I use Page Ruler Plus Prestained Protein Ladder, 0.5% milk as a blocking agent (for rapid staining on SNAP i.d. Protein Detection System), Pierce ECL Plus Substrate and X-ray film or ChemiDoc Touch camera for chemiluminescence detection.

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