
I have a new batch of Hardset Vectashield that I forgot to put in the fridge one day and it spent a night on the table. Now I used it to mount/counterstain some cultures and the result looks very bad: DAPI fluorescence is extremely dim and I can see plenty of fibers and garbage on top of cell layer. I checked all the solutions for dust under the microscope, and Vectashield that I used had some fibers in it. When I compared it with a drop from completely new Vectashield bottle that has been never used yet and was stored in the fridge, the brand-new one also had some fibers but much less of them.

I think I also have problems with cell fixation because cell layer looks rugged and "gunky", so maybe the dust in Vectashield is not the main culprit here.

Do you have any experience with Vectashield gone bad? Sorry for not giving you photos of my problem, I can't take them right now.

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