
I'm trying to perform an optimization of qPCR for four genes of snail's nervous system (two isoforms of the same kinase and two housekeeping genes). I designed primers, checked them in silico, calculated predicted annealing temperatures, then confirmed their specifity experimentally using old (frozen) snail ganglion cDNA, non-quantative PCR and gel electrophoresis. The primers are specific and don't dimerize.

Next, I extracted RNA from some fresh snail ganglion samples, used DNAse I to purify it from gDNA, added DNAse I inhibitor, performed reverse transcription and used all this mixture (not purified cDNA) as a matrix for several qPCR experiments. I suppose that there's some problem with this matrix, I'll explain below.

First of all, I needed to plot relative standard curves to estimate PCR efficiencies for all primer pairs. As I understand, usually with our PCR machine, with reaction mix we order ready-to-use and with predicted Ta, Eff% is 80-100%, in some cases empirical Ta optimization is needed.

First I tried two different annealing temperatures (±2ºC from predicted Tm) and used different dilution factors, and each time efficiency was very poor, 45-75% for different primers.

Unfortunately our PCR machine doesn't have temperature gradient function, and I could arrange only one experiment in another lab on another machine with gradient (I could run only one plate, and with 4 primer pairs and different Ta it means that only one replica was used for each data point). We checked 7 temperatures from 52 to 62ºC, and efficiency was relatively high but not optimal (70-90%) for all Ta, and didn't change monotonously but oscillated strangely (see the graph attached). I couldn't estimate optimal Ta from this data and I suppose that more replicas were necessary.

Finally, I performed qPCR (with Ta very close to predicted) with 5 dilutions, all were supposed to be detectable (I used my previous data to estimate what dilution is too much), and 4 replicas of every dilution to be sure that it's not pipetting errors. R^2 were good (>0.98 for every primer pair), and all the curves were almost parallel, but efficiency was merely 48%.

I suppose that there may be some inhibitors in my cDNA matrix, maybe I didn't stop the DNAse I activity completely, or there are excessive salts from DNAse I / M-MLV-RT buffers. But I diluted the same calibration sample repeatedly, right up to 1:100, and this means that I diluted these supposed inhibitors too. Should they be able to inhibit PCR in such small concentrations? I suppose that my standard curves wouldn't be straight then? But they're straight and, moreover, they're parallel (see another graph attached).

Apparently there are no inhibitors in ready-to-use master mix or water, because all my colleagues use them and don't have problems. I'm still not sure about optimal Ta, but is this possible that changing Ta for 2ºC would cause such dramatic fall in efficiency? Also, if primer design was bad - could it be bad for 4 primer pairs simultaneously?

Has anyone here had similar experience, and what was the problem in your case?

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