Hello everyone,
I use several pcDNA3.1 expression vectors to transfect cells.
The vectors were prepared by midi-prep a year ago and diluted in TE buffer.
Now that I run new experiments, I decided to measure plasmid concentrations again, prior to transfection.
All their concentration have droped by 2 to 3-fold.
260/280 ratio are still good (over 1.8), but strangely 260/230 ratio have risen (from 2 to 2.3~2.5).
Given the good 260/280 ratio, the presence of EDTA in the buffer and the -20°C storage, I'm pretty sure it is not degradation.
It could be adsorption of DNA on eppendorf tube wall but given the 100~500ng/µL range of concentration, I don't think any tube surface could sequester this much vector quantity.
Anyway I heated my vector for 15min to 60°C and votexed it without increasing the measured concentration ?
The only thing I see would be freeze/thaw cycle maybe ? (I did 10 to 20 such cycles...)
Should I add glycerol to my TE so that freezing and ice crystals don't shear my vector ?
Or just aliquot my vector?
Where did my vectors go guys ???? ^^
Thanks for the help you can provide,