Why low concentration of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) in water cannot dissolve evenly and causing two different phases?
I dissolve about 2% of carboxymethyl cellulose in water but i can't get a homogeneous liquid because the CMC separate from water. there are two different phases just like water and oil.
But when i dissolve about 7% of carboxymethyl cellulose in water, i can get homogeneous liquid.
Is there any explanation and is there any journal that explain this phenomena?
as far as i know, when we dissolving something into water, let's say some sugar, we can make homogeneous phase until the water saturated with sugar and another addition of sugar won't dissolve in water and create another phase (a solid sugar in the bottom of container).
Update: I try to mix 2% CMC solution (the one which has separate phase) and 7% CMC solution (homogeneous solution) and i get homogeneous solution. only single phase exist.
sorry for bad grammar.