11 January 2023 7 6K Report


I expressed a protein with a his tag (65 kDa) and purified it by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The amount of protein that I got was huge, so I didn't wonder about the aggregation in the fraction tubes overnight. The next day I spun them down and made an SDS PAGE. I repeated the SDS PAGE several times with different amounts of protein to make sure I was doing it the correct way. Everytime I get an additional band (and smear) right above my protein (the thickest band is my protein). I then diluted my protein 1:10 and purified it again by Ni-NTA affinity, but I got exactly the same result.

This puzzles me a lot, because my colleague expressed this protein many times and purified it the same way, and he never got this additional band. So now I am wondering, what could be the reason for the sudden appearance of the band?

Could it be somehow that the amount of protein is too much for the column? Was the expression too long (around 16h at 16°C)? I am not sure how to proceed now. Repeat the expression (but what should I change) or rather purify it further, e.g. with IEX?

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