27 January 2021 14 663 Report

By means of serial dilution, I've prepared a range of aqueous ascorbic acid solutions (from 200 to 1 µg/ml). From each concentration I took 1 ml and mixed it with 1 ml of DPPH ethanolic (99.8%) solution (0.3 mm). I've also prepared a blank solution (1 ml of distilled water and 1 ml of ethanol) and control solution (1ml of DPPH solution + 1 ml of distilled water).

Using a spectrophotometer on a wavelength of 517 nm, control solution gave a value of 0.85 which is considered normal, but unfortunately all the other concentration of ascorbic acid is giving high values also close to 0.8 even with a concentration of 200µl/ml...

Does anyone know what can be the source of error?

Please note that I've already tried to change the ascorbic acid and used a higher quality.

Thank you

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