10 October 2019 14 712 Report

I have qubit confirmation that my pcr produced 21 ng/ul of dsDNa in a 50ul reaction volume. I chose primers for a specific gene/sequence of 1.4kb . But my gel electrophoriesis shows a nice ladder, but no bands from my sample DNA, of which I used 2 ul with loading dye. I put etbr in the gel and the buffer. I have made 5 attempts now with varying concentration of agarose, up to 2%. I only ever see the ladder under UV. I don't think it possible the qubit is wrong, the dye it uses bonds only to dsDNA and ignores any contaminates. Do I have no DNA or am I just doing this gel incorrectly? My dye mostly vanishes within minutes of starting the gel run. thank you ! - Amy J.

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