
I'm trying to make an adult (!) primary astrocyte culture from mouse cortex. I am doing this with a very experienced person who has done this before in a different lab. I am using her reagents and protocol, and at the last stage before plating we are using a viability assay and automatic cell counter, we have a lot of alive cells (around 70%) and then we are plating them at the density suggested by her protocol. All of this seems to be going well.

But then, if I check 4h or 24h later, none of the cells attach. Sometime I see very small cells attaching which I guess are bacteria (looks like it). Here are the things I tried: Poly-L-Lysine coated cell culture flasks (the "normal" T25 flasks), Poly-L-Lysine coated dishes, Fibronectin coated flasks, uncoated flasks, Poly-L-Lysine coated glass coverslips, Poly-L-Lysine and Laminin coated glass coverslips. 

Nothing attached to any of these surfaces! I also tried different media that were tried and tested and used in other labs (Astrocyte Basal Medium and DMEM-based recipes), but I think the problem is rather in the attaching. 

Other primary cultures in my lab are doing fine on the PLL coated surfaces, so there doesn't seem to be a problem with the coating itself (I read PLL can be toxic to neurones if not done properly).

We are all out of ideas. 

I know I haven't given details about my culturing protocol, I think that is fine, so did anyone ever have an overcome this problem with attaching? Or do you think it can be due to the medium after all?


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