Hello everyone,

I am currently trying to set up at a new lab in order to begin experiments on osteoclasts. Before starting anything, I wanted to make sure that BMMs have indeed differentiated into osteoclasts by using TRAP staining and PCR.

In our lab, we harvest bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) from the tibia of 5 week-old female ICR mice for osteoclast differentiation. For BMM differentiation, I seeded 2 x 10^5 cells per well with full alpha MEM and M-CSF (30ng/ml). I used 3 6-well plates in order to retrieve cells on Day0, Day2, and Day4 of differentiation. On the next day, I retrieved the Day0 plate using 1ml of Tri-RNA reagent and changed the media (containing M-CSF and RANKLE (1:1000)) for the other two plates. I retrieved the rest of the plates on appropriate days.

After retrieving all cells, I performed RNA isolation followed by RNA quantification (ND-1000), reverse transcription, PCR, and gel electrophoresis. My problem here is that I'm getting nothing on gel for Day0 with actin, GAPDH, and HPRT primers. I triple-checked all my steps for gel, PCR, and reverse transcription using other cells and the technique does not seem to be the problem. I performed RNA and DNA quantification using Nd-1000 (I know they are not super accurate) and I've attached the results as image files.

Please help me figure out what made the Day0 bands disappear! Thank you in advance:)

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