I am trying to isolate many plasmids for a project (ranging from 6.6Kb to 6.2Kb), and the plasmids have a pUC1 ori (high copy number from what I can tell), and Amp resistance. I am using transformed Dh5a cells and am currently growing the bacteria at 37C at 225RPM in 125mL in a 200mL flask with 125 uL of Amp (100ug/mL working conc.) for 16-18 hours (should be shorter from what I read), these conditions were told to me by a PhD student in the lab. Those liquid cultures were inoculated directly from a glycerol stock (I know, bad practice and I am currently making new streaks to make new liquid cultures from those to try for higher yields). I have also recently learned that the protein product of AmpR, B Lactamase, is secreted, possibly spelling trouble if the glycerol stock or liquid culture is contaminated with satellite colonies, another reason I am re-streaking my cultures before liquid culture. When I do a midi prep (Promega Pure Yield) however, I am only getting at best about 130 ug/mL, and the worst have been around 10-30 ug/mL. My gels look pretty good regardless of the outcome however, good plasmid isolation majority in SC conformation and maybe 10% in open/nicked, no gDNA, 260/280 and 260/230 rations are good. From what I have read, high copy number plasmids at this much volume of culture should be giving me much much higher yields. Does anyone have experience with plasmids like this and can help me? Can my culture conditions be changed? Please, any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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