For basic extractions, TRIzol is probably the most ubiquitous method in Drosophila. Depending on who you ask, it seems like folks either recommend to do a kit (like Qiagen RNEasy) or TRIzol for downstream RNAseq. But the kit users are typically adamant that TRIzol is a bad approach.

For sure RNA degradation is key to avoid. I'm not sure if either of these methods is superior for this, though use of beads vs. manual squishing seems to be a common debate. What I'm curious to hear thoughts on is the ability of TRIzol extraction to provide clean, intact RNA. Intactness will need a BioAnalyzer of course.

If my standard TRIzol extractions yield RNA of high concentration (0.5-1.0 ug/uL) and with 260/280 =2.00 and 260/230 = 2.00 by NanoDrop, is the purity really an issue? If it's needed, TRIzol can be very pure using additional rinses... Is there some sort of e.g. salt contamination to worry about that is not related to 260/280 or 230? Are kits more consistent or something?

Related: what sort of purities do people move forward with for RNAseq? How far away from 260/230 = 2.00 can you get before it's concerning, and do both lower and higher 260/230 indicate contamination? I've seen 260/230 as high as 2.65 or so... but normally it sits in the range of 1.7-2.3.

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