I am thinking to implement a research work about the effect of biofertilizer on the biochemical constituents of a crop(e.g.maize). I need to know the overall methodology used on this type of research, and also some links of research paper.
What are the parameters you intend to study, that is required to be spelt out. I personally feel that since maize is a cereal crop and total carbohydrate, starch, dietary fiber, total sugars, protein (crude and soluble), phenols, minerals and vitamins are important from quality point of view. You may consult any book of biochemical analysis for estimation of these parameters.
You can use spectrophotometry provided you have UV-VIS spectrophotometer for the estimation of soluble protein, total carbohydrate, starch, sugars Total & reducing), total phenols, tannins, phytates, enzymes such as PO, PPO, PAL etc. If you have gas chromatograph, you can estimate individual fatty acids, organic acids and other volatiles. Nitrogen can be estimated by simple kjeldahl method and convert the value into crude protein using a factor. Unless you define the details of analysis/parameters you intend to analyse, it is difficult to suggest book or methodology. I would like to suggest you to read some of the research papers in the area of your research, then it will be easy for you to decide line of work.